Poland X Tomboy Child reader

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"(Y/n) come back here!"
My dad, well he's a very feminine man. I'm a tomboy. It's not a good mix.
Every day he has to chase me around to get me to wear those puffy dresses and pigtails other girls wear. Today was the same as always.

"(Y/n)! It's not like bows are gonna like, kill you!" I jumped on the couch and he followed me after. "Yes they will! They kill my reputation!" He seemingly gave up and flopped down on the couch with a sigh. "Why can't you be like the other girls?" I looked over to him and pouted "Because those clothes are uncomfortable, and" I paused and tugged at my (f/c) shorts "these let me run around more." I scooted closer to him on the couch. Bad choice.

Before I could protest he picked me up and ran to the bathroom mirror. "Haha! You like, let you guard down! So do you want pigtails or like, a ponytail?"

After much struggling he finally managed to get me in a (least fav color) dress and pigtails. He picked me up and smiled proudly. "We're gonna like, visit Toris today so I can show him how hard I like, worked on you." My face reddened in embarrassment and I struggled out of his grasp and started running up the stairs "Not if I'm like this!" I yelled. "Oh cmon (y/n)! You should see like, how adorable you are!" He said as he started chasing me.

And thus, the cycle restarts. It never ends. Ah, the beauty of Family.

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