Sealand X Child Reader

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"Okay (y/n)! It's time for country 101!" I looked over to Peter as he said that. We always meet up together in the field we original met. He sat across from me and he brought out his "big book of countries" where it tells you about all the different countries.

"First country we're gonna learn about today is England! This guys a big jerk so you absolutely must be careful around this guy!" He pointed to another picture "This is Russia! This guy is really scary!" I let him rabble on until it was time for a lunch break.

We sat together on a lone bench. "Uh (y/n)?" I looked over to him while eating my sandwich "Can I have some?" After he finished that sentence I could here the rumble of his stomach. I couldn't help but start to laugh. "H-hey! It's not that funny!" I looked over to him to see his face was red. I took the other half of my sandwich and gave it to him, still laughing.

After lunch break we decided to play games. "Ready or not, here I come!" I yelled loudly to make sure he heard. I looked through bushes and tall grass but couldn't find him. "P-Peter where are you?" I started to cry heavily. I heard the rustle of near by bushes and saw Peter run over to me in a panic. "Y-y/n stop crying I'm here! Uwah! What do I do!?" I ran over to him and hugged him.

After a while I stopped crying. "(Y/n)!" I heard my mother call out. I let go of Peter and waved goodbye. "(Y/n)! Don't forget we have another lesson tomorrow! Since I know everything about anything!" I nodded and ran home happily, already thinking of tomorrow's lesson.

Hetalia X Child! Reader One shots [REQUESTS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now