Child Romano X Child Reader

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Papa was out today so it was only me and that means I'm probably gonna be forced to do HIS chores. I still love him. I mean, he can be a cool big brother sometimes.

But most times he's mean.

"Oi, (Y/n) you forgot that spot there!" He yelled out from his spot on the couch. I felt my anger rise. "If you know where to sweep then you do it!" I threw the broom to him and ran away. "(Y/n)! Come back!" I ignored him and ran up the stairs to my room and hid in the closet.

~~Lovi's POV

After (Y/n) ran up stairs the phone started ringing. What luck.
I picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Lovi! Are you and (Y/n) done your chores?"
"No. (Y/n) ran off"
I heard a sigh on the other side of the line
"What'd you do this time?"
"I'm almost done better say sorry by the time I'm home"
I hung up the phone and sighed "Bastard...I don't even know where she is."

I walked up stairs my bedroom first and went down each room and finally checked hers. I looked around the (f/c) room and finally heard sniffling from the closet. "(y/n)!" No answer. I guess I'm going to have to resort to the hard way.

~~Your POV

I'm not answering to him. Not while I'm crying because he might tease me again. I heard his footsteps walk away so I peaked out of the closet and looked around.
I quickly turned around and got tackled by Lovi. We both hit the ground with a thud. As we fell I hit my arm on the corner of the closet handle and it really hurt. Lovi looked up at me with a angry expression. "I tripped and now you go and hurt yourself!" I didn't like when he was mad, he always scared me so I started crying.

"O-oi stop crying..." I didn't stop. He lifted up my arm to see it was bruised and he made a 'tch' sound. "Stop crying." I hugged him and cried into his shirt. "Here, let's go get an ice pack before that bastard comes back." I nodded slowly and stood up. He took my hand and led me downstairs and told me to sit on the couch. A few moments late he came back and put the ice on my arm.

"Can we watch some tv while we wait?" I asked. He walked over to the remote and threw it to me. Luckily I caught it and I turned on the TV as we sat next to each other. "Thank you Lovi." I smiled over to him. He had his eyes focused on the tv and after a while he mumbled "you're welcome."

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