Spain X Country! Reader

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I glared angrily at the spaniard who happily picked tomatoes with the small Italian. Oh so you're gonna be nice to that jerk and leave me here to rot? I sulked back into the village after a long walk to nap back in my own bed.

As of recently, Spain had just started to colonize my country. He'd been nice at first to us, but then he turned strict, stern, and cold. While he spent his days sunbathing with that bastard Italian, my people were starting complain. Violence was everywhere. It hurt to see my people like this. For a young country, it was tough.

I chose to live like the rest of my people even though I'm a country. Only a select number of people know, like (mother's name) my caretaker. She found me in the woods and decided to take me in. When I had told her that I was a country, she smiled and told me that she loves me even though I would eventually outlive her.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Slipping my short legs over the side of my tattered bed, I grabbed my (f/c) cloak and wrapped it around and clipped it on. I slipped on my shoes and walked to the kitchen. I poked my head around the wall to see (m/n) clipping her cloak on as well. She raised her hood over her gray hair. She had gotten old but I stayed the same. She turned around and smiled. "You ready to go (f/n)?" I nodded and grabbed my woven basket from the table.

We both strolled to the entrance of the village where two Spanish guards stood. They both put their hands across to stop us. My jaw clenched. "And where might you be heading?" One spoke with a heavy Spanish accent. (M/n) nodded her head "We were just going out to pick some tomatoes down in the field. We could bring a few for you boys if you wanted." The guard nodded and let us go. As we walked I looked back to see the other guard yelling at the one that let us through. My eyes widened in fear as both guard came running after us. "(M/n)! Go!" As soon as I said this both guards caught up to us and tackled us both to the ground. We both gave out pained cries at the sudden contact with the ground. "Don't lie to us! You stole something!" The guard said, crossing my arms behind my back. "We didn't do anything!" I shook my head. "We know you did tell us-" a sudden yell was heard from up ahead. "Let them go immediately!" Both guards gasped and climbed off of us, letting go of our arms.

I quickly crawled over to (m/n) and shook her lifeless body. I put my heart over her chest and sighed in relief as I heard her heart beating. I looked to the strange but immediately froze. It's him. Along with that Italian. The spaniard yelled at the two guards as the little Italian stood behind him. I stood up and put (m/n)'s arm around my neck to lift her up. I was way too short to actually carry her, but there's no way in hell I'm letting those bastards help me. The spaniard stopped his yelling and and quickly walked over to us "Here, let me help-" "No!" I quickly barked at him. I glared in his direction. He looked shocked. What had he done to deserve such an outburst??


Hetalia X Child! Reader One shots [REQUESTS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now