Canada X Child! reader

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Requested by @Rotkehlchen18

"Okay (Y/n) you go hide and I'll count to ten okay?" I nodded my head "okay!" I ran up the stairs to Daddy's room.

I looked over to the bed and went under it. "Ready or not, here I come!" I heard him yell, well more of a soft shout.

While he was looking downstairs, Kuma came into the room and sniffed around. "Psst Kuma! Come here! Don't make too much noise!" He crawled under the bed with me and we stayed quiet.

~~1 hr later~~
Matthew's POV

I can't find (Y/n) anywhere! Either she's really good at hiding or I'm bad at seeking.


What if she got kidnapped? Or maybe she got hurt somewhere and is stuck where I can't hear her calls?

I ran over to the phone and called Alfred.
"Wassup du-"

"Alfred! I can't find (Y/n) anywhere! We were playing hide and seek and-"

"Woah bro! Calm down there! I'll get help. Expect us in the next hour got it?"


I hung up and sat on the couch lying In worry until I heard a knock on my door. I ran over to the door to see Alfred along with Francis, Arthur, Ivan, and Yao. "Okay bro! I got backup" Alfred said loudly. " So Matthew when was the last time you saw her?" Arthur asked as I let them in. "Well I last saw her in front of me before we started playing..." After a few moments of silence Francis spoke up "How about we split up and look for her?" We all nodded.

~~Your POV~~

It's been a while since Daddy found me. Maybe he gave up? He rarely does that though. I got comfortable against Kuma and fell asleep.

~~Time skip brought to you by Flying mint bunny~

I jolted up from sleep and hit my head against the bed because Kuma sneezed. I tried to keep the tears when the door swung open. I saw Daddy's face appear in front of me. "Daddy!" I crawled from under the bed and started crying. "That got me scared (Y/n) you're a really good hider." I looked up at him and saw he had tears in his eyes and his glasses were fogging up. I reached up and took his glasses and cleaned it with my shirt "there now you can find me when we play again!" I giggled and he hugged me.

----Bonus scene-----

Everyone saw the whole reunion and smiled. Francis was especially proud of him and turned to the other countries and winked as he smirked "I raised him" he whispered. "Shut it cheesy monkey" Arthur whispered back. "Here we go again" Yao sighed. "I think it's adorable ufufu~" Ivan said to himself. Alfred just walked away "I'm hungry" he said to the other countries.

Hetalia X Child! Reader One shots [REQUESTS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now