BTT X Child Reader

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"Mommy where are we going?" I asked from the backseat. She didn't answer me. It was a hot summer day. It was the hottest of the year, is what Mommy said. I looked outside and all I saw were trees. Finally we stopped at an abandoned gas station. There was another car waiting there. Mommy got out the car and locked the doors.

She ran to the car and a man came out. They "kissed" like I saw on late night tv shows. Then she got in the car with the man and drove away. 'Maybe she'll be back' I thought to myself.

Several minutes passed and it started to get really hot and stuffy. Just then a different car came by and parked near the entrance of the gas station and three men walked out. One was an especially energetic man with white hair. Another had long blonde hair and the other had brown hair. The white haired man was pulling the other men towards the building of the gas station but looked over me and stopped.

It was getting really hot in the car, and I was feeling sleepy. The last thing I saw was the white haired man running over to me before I passed out. Fluttering my eyes open, I sat up in a now cold car. I looked around and saw the blonde man driving and the white haired man babbling on about an adventure he's had. The brown haired man was sitting next to me and finally looked over to me and smiled "Francis, the chica is awake" He called out.

The blonde called Francis turned around and smiled at me then turning back to driving. "mon enfant [1] what happened to your parents?" I looked up from the question and started to cry. The man sitting next to me picked me up and held me in his arms and hushed me. I just couldn't stop crying. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pick me up.

The white haired man sat me down on his lap where I could be facing him. He started making funny faces which made me laugh. "Okay, are you ready to tell us?" I looked down "My mommy left me in the car and went somewhere with a guy." The brown haired man spoke up "What!? What kind of madre [2] does that!?" Francis spoke up as well "Calm down Toni you might scare zhe child." He as well had worry etched into his voice.

Suddenly the white haired man loudly spoke up "Ve don't have everyone's names yet!" I looked up at him and smiled "My names (y/n)!" He started laughing. I looked up at him with a quizzical look. "It's just zhat jou're so adorable, jou remind me of my little bruder! Vell vhen he was as small as you.." He awkwardly scratched his head then smiled childishly "I am zhe awesome Glibert by the vay!" He pointed to the browned haired man "Zhats Toni." He finally pointed at Francis "He's Francis!" I nodded my head, just then my stomach rumbled. Francis chuckled "I guess it's lunchtime then."

We stopped by a near by Diner and sat down at the table. The waiter came by and we ordered. When we were halfway through our lunch I looked around and was surprised by who I saw. It was my mother. I looked over to Francis and tugged on his hand that was on the table. "Francis my mommy is here.." I pointed to where my mother was having a wonderful time. Francis walked over to my mother while I stayed. Toni took my hands "Would you really go back with your mother after what she did to you?" I repeated the question quietly.

Francis got back to the table with a angry expression. I looked up with hopeful eyes "Did she say anything Francis?" He got up from his seat and crouched in front of me "You're mother has decided that you stay with us. Do you want to?" I smiled happily and hugged him "As long as I'm with you guys I'll be happy!" Gilbert jumped up from his seat "Woohoo!" Toni and Francis glared at him and everyone stared at the loud man. He sat down quickly and mumbled "zorry.." We all laughed at him while he stuffed the rest of his pancakes in his mouth.
[1] my child
[2] mother

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