WARNING!! SAD!! Prussia X Child! Reader

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"Gil! Gil! Where are you going?" I tugged on the sleeve of my best friend. After meeting him in the forest, we had been visiting each other ever since. I had learned many things about him. About his brother, and awesome friends. I even learned he played the flute, which after I begged him to play it, he brought it every time we met up.

He knelt down and got out his flute. "(Y/n). Here. Take this. Since jou're such an awesome friend, I'm trusting jou with this. Jou promise to take special care of it?" I nodded as I gingerly took the flute that is now mine. I looked up quizzically at him as he stared down at the flute in my hands with a somber expression.

"Gil? What's wrong? You never act like this..." He looked up to me, tears pricking at his eyes. He made a determined expression before sighing. "(Y/n). I won't be able to stay. I can't. I..." Tears flowed from his eyes at this point. "W-what do you mean? Gil?" He took a big breath. "I'm not a normal human being (Y/n). I'm a country. Vell, used to be. My time is coming. I can feel it. I von't be able to stay any longer." His face was tear stained and wet. "So that means..." I was shocked. He's leaving? "I vant jou to play the flute for me (Y/n). Play it everyday. Can jou do that?" I shook my head violently and clutched his shirt. "No! You're not leaving! I won't let you!" Tears streamed down my face.

Gil hugged me tightly. "I'll vatch over jou (Y/n). Forever. Vhen jou do great things, say: 'Gil! Look at me! Are jou proud?' And I'll be cheering jou on." I pulled away from the hug to see parts of him already disappearing. I looked up, wide eyed. Gil smiled at me in response. "G-gil..." He leaned down and kissed my forehead in a goodbye, as he disappeared into the wind. I clutched onto the flute, watching leaves fly off of trees into the wind.

I got up to walk away, until noticing something on the ground. His pendant. I picked it up and rubbed it with my thumb, before clutching it to my chest.

Just watch me Gil. I'll make you proud.

Hetalia X Child! Reader One shots [REQUESTS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now