England X Child Reader

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"Okay (Y/n), I'm going to count to ten, but you must not go into the basement. Okay?" I nodded my head happily "Okay!"

Papa started counting as I looked for places to hide. I didn't have much time, and daddy already got to 5! I panicked until going into the only possible hiding space. The basement.

I hurriedly crept down the stairs that lead to the creepy basement, where daddy has all his magic potions and magic utilities. I looked around in awe, from the rainbow potions to the magical pot that oozes green smoke. "Ready or not here I come!" I heard papa call out, as I scampered behind a table. As I went behind the table, I had knocked over a recently placed potion, causing it to spill its contents on me. The last thing I heard was my cry of surprise and Papa calling out my name as he rushed down the stairs before I blacked out.

Fluttering my eyes open, I felt heavier than I had originally been as well as my chest. I had gotten taller as well. A lot taller. My hair has also gotten longer causing my (h/c) to fall over my shoulder. I looked over to Papa to see his face was as red as a tomato. I smiled nervously "You found me..." My voice was also deeper. Here comes the lecturing...

Tome Skop! Herp derp

After a bit of lecturing Papa got me bigger clothes to wear, while blushing for some reason, which confused me. I sat watching t.v. while Papa paced back and forth figuring out how to turn me back. We both turned towards the door as it swung open revealing Uncle Alfred. I ran over to him happily and hugged him. "Woah, Who's this Dudette?" Papa sighed "That's (Y/n). Our (Y/n)." That's when Uncle Alfred bust out in laughter. I pulled away from the hug, confused. "There's no way this girl is (Y/n)! I mean, she's too hot to be (Y/n)!" After Uncle Alfred said that, Papa slapped him on the back of the head. "Don't say that!"

Papa sat us down to some tea and some scones, which we definitely didn't eat, while he explained how I managed to get myself into this mess. As Papa finished explaining, the door bell rung. I jumped from my seat to get the door "I'll get it!" Papa got up to stop me but it was too late. I opened the door to see Uncle Francis. "Oh?~ And who might you be? Ohohohon~" I slammed the door and went back into the kitchen. "Papa. Uncle Francis is at the door." Papa's face paled as he got up "What the bloody hell does he want." As soon as he opened the door, Uncle Francis pushed him away and ran up to me "You show me no affection, yet I still want to know your name! Such a beauty as yourself can't be left unnoticed!" I backed away from him, scared by his actions. He never acted like that when I was in my child form.

Papa took a scone and popped it into his mouth, in order to shut him up. Uncle Alfred had been dying of laughter this whole time, while Papa dealt with both of them angrily. I walked over to the sofa and turned on the t.v. "(Y/n), Go to my room and take a nap. I promise I'll turn you back alright?" I nodded my head and headed to Papa's room, since my bed is too small for me in this state.

Le nap skip ZzzZz

I fluttered my eyes open, the room seems bigger now, and I feel lighter. I looked down to see that I had my 6 year old body back! I ran downstairs to see Papa looking at a book in the kitchen, Uncle Alfred and Francis seemingly gone. I tugged on Papa's sleeve "I'm okay now." He looked back down with a surprised face before picking me up and hugging me tight. "Thank goodness you're back. Promise me you won't grow up too fast." I giggled as I took hold of his pinky in a pinky promise "I promise!"

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