Chibi France X Chibi Reader

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As the country of (c/n) I was small. But hey, we all start out small. It can be difficult at times, for other countries want to take my territory. Like that Jerk wad France. He's always chasing me trying to claim parts of my territory I'd rather keep.

"Leave me alone you Jerk!" Once again that bastard is chasing after me again. "(Y/n)! Just one part! It won't hurt! Ohohon~." I shook my head in frustration and ran faster. I hadn't been watching where I was going, and soon felt my world turned upside down as I heard France call out from behind me "(Y/n) Watch out!"

I swung my hands around, looking for something to latch onto until I grabbed onto a branch growing out of the small cliff I hadn't seen. France soon came running to my aid and let out his hand "Take my hand!" Being the stubborn child I was shook my head. "I've got it! I don't need help from you!" I swung my leg up to the branch but missed. My sudden movement caused the branch to loosen its hold onto the rocks. My hand slid lower closer to the end of the branch "F-France I take it back help me!" Tears threatening to spill from the fear of falling.

He reached out his hand and I firmly gripped onto it with my other hand. He pulled me back onto solid ground and we both sunk to the ground with relieved sighs. "I'm sorry I was chasing you (Y/n). Could you spare this man and forgive me?" I shook my head "N-no you don't need to be sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..." I looked down to my hand that was still being held by France.

I quickly brought my hand out of his grasp and looked at the ground. "(Y/n). When we become bigger I promise I will protect you! No matter what happens!" I looked up from confusion "W-wait. What? You really mean that?" He nodded before grinning "But for a price. Ohohon~." I stood up angrily ready to yell at him before he put his hands up in a surrender "I-it was just a joke!" I stomped away, angrily mumbling as France laughed behind me.

Well he did keep his promise. I'm happy that he did.

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