Child!ReaderX 2P America

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"(Y/n) stay here at home while I go out for a bit"
"I will, Ma."
"And don't open the door for anyone."
"Okay, Ma"
"And..don't do drugs i guess"
I rolled my eyes as I set down my plate of microwaved meatloaf. The slam of the front door signaled that my mother was once again going out for the 6th time this week. I'm what? 10? I don't even have anyone else to look after me. I mean I get by but it's like I take more care of myself than she does. I gazed out the window into the dark parking lot of our small apartment complex. Sighing, I took a sip of my soda and took a bite of my sad, soggy meatloaf.

POV Switch
"what a fucking BITCH!"
I slammed the binoculars in the bush we crouched behind. The accomplice Canadian next to him jumped in surprise "Dude chill what the fuck is wrong with you." With a glare I dug around the bush looking for the binoculars I angrily slammed a few seconds ago. "Leaving MY daughter alone!??? AND SHE'S EATING MICROWAVED MEAT. She's gonna get some fucking disease!!" Matt stood up from his spot in the dirt "That's it. I'm going home. We've been here for 3 hours. I can't take you seriously over you yelling that you want some kid you made from a slut." He put his hands in his pockets and shuffled forward before being gripped back by my hand. "You can shut the fuck up and help me. I've got some dirt on you remember? I know that bitch, she's gonna do some hoodoo woodoo Oliver shit to her and I AINT gonna let that happen." I spoke, teeth clenched too not get any unwanted attention. "Al you're gonna fucking get your ass beat by me someday. Today is not that day because unlike you, I HAVE some patience. Come on we're getting her." He stomped over the bush, shaking his head and cursing under his breath.


The feeling of being watched hasn't stopped for the past half hour but I only figured it was the cameras my mother drunkenly installed all over the house. I shrugged and put away my plate into the dishwasher. Looking outside the window I jumped when too sudden figures popped out of a bush, one angrily stomping to the front door of the complex and..kicking the door in? This neighborhood is weird.. I turned back to get my glass when a knock sounded from the door. I froze. The knock sounded again, much louder this time. I hurried up and put my glass in the sink and ran to the door. "Uh no thanks we're not religious or buying Girl Scout cookies!" (Y/n) you're an idiot what Girl Scouts would come at 9 at night. A slight click from the lock could be heard and I immediately panicked. THEY PICKLOCKED THE DOOR!?!? A gruff voice from the other side quietly argued with another for sometime until a push from the other side commenced probably one of the most intense push-wars ever. "Jesus Christ this kid is strong."
The voice snorted, whilst the other scoffed "Well it is my kid. She's got my tough DNA. Duh." I paused. Wait. "my kid"? I hurriedly backed away from the door making the two men stumble into the apartment from their force on the door.
One had long blonde hair tied in a low ponytail, he looked like a lumberjack. The other dude had short dark red hair with a cowlick. Both were quite tall, and honestly looked dangerous. "Phew I worked up quite a sweat pushing on that door" the dark-haired one spoke. He awkwardly looked towards me, then glanced around the house. The blond rolled his eyes "I did most of the work dumbass you didn't do shit!" The redhead growled "Don't curse in front of my fucking kid bitch." I raised my hand to interrupt. "Uh who the heck are you guys?" The two looked towards me and the blond one coughed. "Well this might probably be a horrible introduction but this dude here, Al, is your dad, and I'm your uncle Matt. So start packin' you're coming with us."
I stared at the both of them.
Hold on a minute. What kind of idiot do they take me for?

I turned the both of them around and started pushing them out the door. "You guys are dumb kidnappers if you think I'm going to believe that. Have a nice night." Al dug his feet into the floor. "Hell nah I ain't leavin. Here I'll even call your slut of a mom for proof!" He angrily pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Yea (M/n)? What do you mean get out of your house? You installed cameras!? I knew you were a crazy bitch. So you're just gonna let me take your kid?? Well then explain to her she doesn't believe me!" He tossed the phone over to me. "(Y/n) he is your real father, just go with him if you think he's better than me just don't ever try and communicate with me ever again. Tell your dumbass dad to get the papers he knows where they are." Her voice was faint under the sound of club music. "Ok bye Ma." and with that I hung up the phone. "I'll get my stuff"

Time skip
Well, here I am, packed into a neglected Toyota with my dad and uncle, on our way to who knows where. "Hey, (Y/n) when we get home run straight up the stairs will ya? Go into the first room on the right and don't leave until I get ya." Al called out over the low radio. "Um why?" I shivered at the thought of what could be going on in that house. Does he have man eating dogs?? OR BOOBY TRAPS??? Actually-- "Just-- don't worry, I just have some explaining to do with the rest of your family--" Matt sighed "You're acting like Olivers gonna chop her as soon as she enters the house--"
This pretty much repeated the whole way there, they're like two 6 year olds...
Al slammed open the door carrying my suitcase of clothes and toiletries. A scream from in back of the house erupted when a man dressed in pure pastel clothes came bolting towards Al. My eyes widened when Al's head snapped to the right the same time a sound of skin hitting skin resounded from inside the house. "AL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ITS BEEN 3 YEARS!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME?!? YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT OR-- Oh! Who is this little cutie patootie??" The Englishman's face brightened at the sight of me "Al is she yours??? Wow I never knew you had it in you!!! Was it with a nice lady?? Surely she would've been--"
"Too loud. All of you, shut zhe fuck up." A voice from the couch in the back yelled out, looking over to Al I saw him massaging his cheek with a large red mark on it. "Are you guys my family??" I questioned, an intense look on my innocent orbs. The Englishman smiled "Yup!! I'm Oliver and that lovely brute over there is Francois!" I nodded and smiled "Well, I hope to get along with you guys."

Follow me on my instagram though I post art and shit @/futacheese

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