chapter 1

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Louis pov

I am look for Niall. Dinner is ready in 5 minutes and he just ran off again. He always runs off when we are about to eat. "Z? Did you find him already?" I ask annoyed. "Nope! If you look in the garden i will look in the kitchen," i nod and we go our ways.

I walk to the garden and just go to the horses. Obviously no Niall cus he is good in hiding.

Nialls pov

I am sitting in a tree cus i know zayn or louis won't climb up. Maybe liam will but i don't mind him around.

Just 10 minutes ago my oh so great parents told me how big of a mistake i am. I do stupid stuff a lot. I just wanna kill myself. I hate it here! I hate fucking every second here. Luckily i go to school well i am supposed to go but i skip a lot.

We go to school where we have to wear stupid uniforms and only rich people go. Only rich people go there. It's stupid! Everything in this life is stupid!

I grab the chips i grabbed from the kitchen. I hate those kids at school they bully me. I hate everyone to be honest. Zayn and louis are the perfect sons.

I do great at school without even studying but than again i also skip a lot. "Niall we are having dinner get out!" I hear Louis voice yelling. "Our dear parents made very clear they don't want me with dinner. I'll eat later!" I just yell back. "No! I get liam if you don't come down now!" He yells. I come downstairs and he takes me to the dinner room.

We sit down and i don't feel like eating. "Niall you can eat now," my mother says. "Earlier you said something way different. Anyway i prefer eating alone anyway," i grab my plate and bring it to the kitchen. I hear my father saying something but i don't understand it. "Thank you harry but i am not hungry. If anyone asks you don't know where i am" i tell him. He smiles and nods.

I run upstairs before i get punished again. I lock the door when i get a text from a friend. He goes to our school too. He is also one of the few people i do like. We have a little friend group. We are all the youngest siblings.

Luke: we can't skip tomorrow! It's parents day and my parents are coming.

Ashton: my parents are probably working again they are in Italy so i can skip. Tris? Con? Niall?

Tristan: no my paretns are coming but probably just for Jason so I'll see

Connor: mine are in spain! I'll come!

Niall: i am gonna skip! Fuck my parents!

Ashton: oh our little royal is fucking his parents?

Niall: shut up!

I hear an angry knock and than my father yells to open the door. I open the door and see my father. I walk in my room and he follows. He closes the door and hits me hard.

"I am so sick of you! You always have such a big mouth! Be a bit more like your brothers!" He kicks me in my stomach. I fall on the ground. I know how to hide it by now. "If we tell you to eat you fucking do that! You do what ever we tell you too! Do i make myself clear?!" He asks angry after he kicked me once more.

"Yes father" i say in pain. "Good!" He walks out and i lay on the ground. I reach for my phone.

Niall: and it happened again

Ashton: how bad?

Niall: a 5. My stomach hurts but it's okay. They were mad cus i didn't wanna eat with them. Who is skipping with me?

Almost everyone says yes. I hear a knock and i open up. Zayn and Louis. Oh well that is great! "Why are you on the ground?" Louis asks. I don't wanna ruin their perfect picture of our father. "I just feel piece on the ground. I bet you don't know cus you always are perfect!" I say. "The ground is gross," louis says.

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