chapter 3

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Liams pov

Niall starts to smoke and they talk. I just sit with them. "Payno we are going home" niall says from the hallway.

I wanna walk to him but his friends push me down on the couch. "We know it isn't your job but keep an eye on that little prince for us. He will kill himself one day soon"

"Payno if you don't come now you walk!" Niall yells. "I will" his friends smile and let me go. Niall is already in the car. I go to the drivers seat. "I am driving" Niall says. I point at the passenger seat. "Now niall" i say. I rolls his eyes and sit there. "You should really loose up a little Payno"

I am gonna be honest. I have been in love with this prince since i was 15. He grabs his cigarette and a lighter. He turns down a window and looks at me. "Sure you don't wanna try?" He asks.

I mean one try won't be that bad right? I just gonna give it a try. "Uhm okay" i say and he puts it in my mouth. I breave it in and than out. I start to cough really bad and niall laughs. "You okay payno?" He asks then. "Yeah. I'm never doing that again!" We arrive at the castle again and niall looks around.

He helps me to my room and then goes to his own. Today was the most fun thing i have ever done in my life.

Nialls pov

I sneak in my room and then my light goes on. I jump a little but luckily it isn't mom or dad. Just zayn and Louis.

"Where the hell have you been?" Louis asks worriedly. "Why do you care?" I ask grabbing my pj's. Okay i am kinda screwed cus i need to change and they won't leave. My back and stomach are both bruised. "Can you turn around?" I ask. "No! Tell us where the hell you were or why you smell like cigarettes!" Zayn says.

"I was at some friends from school and they smoke! Turn fucking around!" I tell them. "Cut the bullshit Niall. Everyone at school hates you!" Louis says. Okay that really did hurt. I slap him and point at the door. "Get fucking out! I never wanna see you fucking again! Both of you!" I yell at them.

"Also louis. If you tell our parents i was gone tonight i will tell them you mess around with Harry from the kitchen" you can tell Louis goes pale.

I slam the door and sit down. Okay so everyone hates me at school. They are in my school to so they hate me too. I hate myself too. Only people who don't are my friends.

Louis pov

Why did i say that? "That was a bit hard Lou" zayn says. "I will apologize to him in the morning. You can't tell the thing about harry" i say a bit scared. "My mouth is locked" zayn says.

"Why didn't he change when we were there?" I suddenly ask. He normally doesn't care if we are there or not. "I don't know but when he stood up earlier he was in pain. Like a lot of pain" zayn says.

Nialls pov

I scroll through tik tok and see a lot of tik toks about how hot my brothers are. I stop at one tik tok to look.

"I think zayn and Louis are very hot! We have the third prince niall but no one cares about him! No one would even notice if he is dead" i scroll further and i see one about selfharm.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen cus we have knifes there. I can try right? I grab our sharpest knife. Place it on my arm and cut myself in my arm but so no one sees it.

This one is for being the worst baby brother
This one is for being fat
This one is for being the worst son
This one is for being a horrible friend
This one is for liking liam
This one is for getting liam in trouble
This one is for being fat again.

It goes on and on untill i can't figure something out anymore. I just cut myself 7 times.

I put the knife in the sink and i go to my room. I lay down and clean the wounds.

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