chapter 18

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Nialls pov

Liam came too. He knows what happened. We get the test and go to Connor and tristans home. They live together now. Without parents!

"How do we do this?" I ask. "You pee on it right?" Connor asks. "I have no idea. Again i am not a girl" i say. "We can call Evie? She's a girl?" Liam suggests.

"Or we just get over it cus no way i can be pregnant" i say. "Evie?" Connor asks liam and Liam nods. Not much later Evie comes to us. She explains it and i just do it.

"It doesn't say anything" i say. "You need to wait for lets say 10 minutes" she says. "Well it will be negative anyway cus i can't get pregnant!" I tell them. We sit down and i am not calm.

"We have a new class it is called myths. It is about myths and stuff. One is about a prince who can get pregnant" Connor says. "Well it sounds very stupid and i don't believe it" they roll their eyes.

We watch a movie and the movie ends. The test. Shit i forgot about that! I walk to the test and look confused. "The test!" Connor says happily.

He grabs it out of my hand. "It must be wrong right?" I say confused. "No this one never lies" Evie says. "What do i do now? I can't keep a child! I don't know how or what? How?" I keep asking questions i know no one can answer except a doctor.

"I wonder what happened" Evie says. "I- nothing don't worry about it" i say. "I am! I am your friend either you want it or not. I won't tell anyone in our friend group but still" she says.

"I just don't wanna talk about it" i say. "Fine. We could go to the doctor for help" liam says.

Liams pov

We do go to the doctor for help. Tons of people are taking pictures of us. Niall grabs my hand and it feels cute and very nice and safe.

"Family of friends?" A doctor asks Niall. "Friends" he answers. "They need to stay outside" "but we wanna know" i protest. "Yeah well no family not comming" the doctor takes Niall.

"You think he is gonna keep it?" I ask. "You know him the longest" connor says. "I thought you were his boyfriend" evie says. "Well i am not" i say.

Nialls pov

We walk to a talk room. I sit down and she asks if she can do some tests. I nod and she does tests. "Okay so the test wasn't lying. You're pregnant and here are the ego's" she shows me it and i am. "How?" I ask. "Does this picture remind you of something" she shows me a baby picture of me. "That was me when i was a baby. Why?" I ask.

"This baby was an experiment but got stolen. His parents were murderd by his birth only his brother survived. No one really knows what happened to him but he is in front of me" she says. She gives me documents. "Everything about you and your family is here" she says. "How do you know its me?" I ask. "I worked for that project but it quite when you got stolen. Just for the record i came later when it was almost done" she says.

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