chapter 13

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At dinner
Nialls pov

Daniel is here and we are eating. Harry made lasagne, i wanted to ask him if he wanted to put weed in it but that is bad for the baby. 

"So Daniel what do you wanna become after Uni, i suppose you're going to uni" mother says. "I want to be a surgeon. I go to Princeton for that. You know what everyone says, only the best is good enough" 

I roll my eyes. Show off he is! i can tell Louis and Zayn don't like him either. "Niall what are gonna do when you graduate?" he asks me. "I'll be doing nothing, waiting till i am 18 and walk away" i say.

After dinner
Nialls pov

I am in my room when Daniel walks in. I am doing my homework. Yes i do my homework. When i wanna get away from everyone and i need to pretend i am busy. 

"Hey" he says. "I am busy but i do have an question" i say looking at him. "What's up?" he asks. "Mother is giving away the baby and well it is my baby sibling but i can't legally adopt it. Can you do that? you don't have anything to do with it!" i ask him. 

"Only if i have nothing to do with it!" He says. "Deal" i say. "I have to get to know you. Also i need to sleep here and i don't think your parents like the idea of me laying on the ground" he says.

"Do you really wanna become a surgeon or made your parents a script to read?" I ask. "Well i am in medical school but no i don't really want that. I wanna live on a farm" he says. I look at him totally confused.

"Do you mean the farm where you live with animals and in the nature?" I ask him. "Yes i do mean that one idiot. Why so surprised?" He asks. "You don't even know how to talk to your people" i say. "I do! They're just pain in my asses" he answers.

"What about you? Why the forest?" He asks me. "It is a very beautiful place and most kids love it there" he says i am right about that. "Why do you want kids so bad?" He asks me.

"Well then i have a purpose in life. Now i don't. All i do is disappoint my parents" i grab a cigarette. "Can i please have 1 too?" He asks me.

"Then we need to go to the garden" we walk to the garden and sit down. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I ask him as i give him 1 of my cigarettes. "I do his name is Peter and lives on the farm. He is teaching me a lot. He is the class nerd but he is cute and funny" he says.

"What about you?" He asks. "There is someone i like. He is one of my best friends and one of few people who care about me. He works for us but he is very handsome" i tell him. "Who is?" I turn around and see Liam.

"You shouldn't smoke Nialler it can kill you" he says. "Shouldn't you be working?" Daniel asks like a bitch. "Actually sir i just finished. I am gonna take a bath and eat something. Niall can we talk?" Liam looks at me. 

I stand up and follow him. "He is an asshole Niall" he says. "I know that Liam there is just nothing i can do" I say feeling guilty. I wanna live that life with Liam. I am in love with him. 

"We can just run away now" he says. How does he know it's him? "H-how?" i ask him. "Look on your face"

"We can't leave yet. We have then no money and i first wanna get my sibling. so you know" i say. "Thats okay" he says. I hug him and it feels nice. "You okay?" he asks. I just shake my head and start to cry. 

"Ni, i smell like shit and now you wanna hug?" he asks and i just nod. "Okay" we stand like this for a bit. It is very safe hug, the safest i had in a while. I love hugs but not always get them. I loved those from Z and Loui. 

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