chapter 2

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Zayns pov

"We talk when you tried. Can you leave now?" Louis rolls his eyes and leaves. I come lay next to him. I know my parents hate niall.

"I won't be at parents day tomorrow and for now i am leaving!" Niall says. He stands up but i can tell he is in pain. In a lot of pain.

I help him up but he pushes me off. "I can walk myself. I am not a baby!" He says. He climbs out the window again and he has his phone.

I had put an tracker in his phone which he doesn't know about. Only i know about it so i know where he is when we can't find him. Problem he doesn't always take his phone with him.

Nialls pov

I climb out the window and fall on the ground. "You okay little prince?" I hear liam asking. "My stomach hurts like hell but gladly i live in a living hell so it doesnt hurt anymore. How are you payno?" I ask as i lay in the grass.

"I was about to go to bed cus unlike you i do have an job to do tomorrow and i need to wake up at 6" he says. "What has changed your mind in going to bed?" I ask giggling. "You felt down the window. That has changed" he says. Okay it is fair enough.

"Okay i will see you around then payno!" I try to walk away but he pulls me back. "It's getting dark and people are into kidnapping you and your brothers. Where are you going?" He asks. Okay so liam is the only person that cares about me around here.

"Why do you care?" I ask with a smirk. "I already told you. It is getting dark" i shrug and walk to the cars while liam follows me. "Can you even drive this car?" He asks me even more worried.

I show him my driver's license and he nods. Okay so i let Tristan fake one for me but liam doesn't need to know that.... right?

I give full gass which almost leaded us into the castle. "You're an idiot! You don't even know how to drive?!" Liam sounds kinda angry. "Okay so maybe it is fake but i have done it before" he slaps his forehead and i leave. I drive to ashton. "You nearly killed us Niall!" Liam says as i park the car.

"Niall! You almost broke the glass!" Ash says a bit angry as we get out. "Who is he?" Connor asks. So Luke and ashton are a couple and tristan and connor are.

"Who are those 3?" I ask pointing at 1 girl and 2 lads. "The girl is evie and those are michael and calum. They are a couple together. Who is he?" They wave as i take off the shoes.

"This is liam. He works in our garden and i don't know why he came!" I say. "Do you have food?" I continue. "Why did you come?" Luke asks to liam. "Cus he jumped out a window and just walked away. Besides it is getting dark also i am driving back home cus you almost killed me more then once!" He says. I laugh and nod.

"Wait isn't he that prince. The thrid one?" Michael asks. "I know right!" I sit on the couch. "Your parents are gonna kill me when they find out i came with you" liam says. "Liam? Relax a bit" i say steeling a cigarette. "You smoke?" He asks surprised. "Sometimes yes. Try it!" I say giving him. He turns me down and i just smoke.

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