chapter 15

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Nialls pov

I feel the urge to hurt myself more than ever now. "Lets go to the hospital then!" Liam says grabbing his jacket. I am scared that if i see him i wanna cut myself too. Or worse...

I am fucking mad at him! I fucking hate him for this! ASSHOLE! I just wanna scream at him. Hit him really hard but i won't.

We walk to the front door where father stops us. "Where the hell do you think your going?!" He asks angry. I don't dare to answer.

"The hospital one of our friends is in the hospital and you can't fucking stop us!" Louis yells at him. It surprises me he yells at him. Without him saying something we run out and Louis drives us to the hospital.

I see tristan waiting with the others. "Where the fuck is that fucking asshole?" I ask pissed and sad. "Surgery. Niall he can't do anything about it. You know that just as well!" Tris says.

"He promised me! If i quit he quit! I did that! So he wouldn't do it tris! I have the fucking right to be mad at him!" Tris hugs me but i push him off me. He is stronger than me so it doesn't work.

Tristans pov

I know about that promise so i do know how mad Niall is. The doctors walk in and we turn to him. Pictures are being made everywhere cus of the 3 princes.

"Want a private room?" The doctor asks and we nod. We get in a private room. "How is he?" I ask worriedly. "He is going to be okay. We found lots of bruises on his arm and stomach. Do you know something about that?"

We all know how his home situation is but we all stay silent cus we don't wanna loose our friend or my boyfriend.

Niall is grabbing his stomach like it hurts really bad but he walks to a bathroom. "Lads if he gets abused at home we need to know for his own safety"

"He doesn't leave it alone" i say a bit harsh but i don't care. "Okay well he will be here in a moment. He won't be awake yet" we nod and she leaves.

"Why did Niall leave?" I ask and everyone shrugs. Louis and liam walk to the bathroom. "Can you open the door please?" I hear a little fear in Louis voice. "It stinks Lou" Niall says in pain. We kick down the door and niall is crying in pain.

"Wow whats wrong?" Louis asks. "My stomach just started to hurt really bad!" He says mad but also very very sad. We lift up his shirt and he has a big but also very deep wound.

"Who did this Niall?" I ask. "N-no one" he says. I know he is lying. "How long is it there?" Louis asks. "I don't remember it coming in the first place!" Niall says desperately.

Daniels pov

There is just 1 person who makes those kinds of wounds. My brother dave. I walk to Niall knowing how much he is in pain. My brother did this to me a lot. It made me stone and hard.

I help Niall getting up and there is a bed. I lay him down and disinfect the wound. I notice all small cuts over his body.

"It is gonna hurt Niall. Grab Liams hand" i say. They grab hands and he screams in pain. When i am done i go to my own house.

Okay so i am 22 and my brother is 30 years old. I look at dave. "He is 15 Dave! You're twice his age! How could you rape him?!" I ask mad. "He was in the club and he looked cute. I took him upstairs drugged him and raped him. When he came by i had to give him a wound so it would look like he had a fight" he says like it doesn't matter.

"You're horrible Dave! You're like a rapist!" I tell him. Look u don't wanna marry Niall but he is very nice and he does deserve the world and that does not include me or dave. "You didn't know? Our parents gave me that role in the gang" he says. "Just stay away from Niall! He doesn't deserve it" i tell him.

"Did you know Niall is the only one who can get pregnant of the princes" he asks as i wanted to walk away. "What?" I ask turning to him. "Yeah he can" i just shake it off and leave again.

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