𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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"This stupid test.."

Seongwoo dropped his head on his desk, the time for his test had ended and luckily he managed to get through it all. Sooyun patted his back since she was seated behind him, knowing that her boyfriend was stressing over it.

The bell had rung, signifying for the students to head for their lunch. Sooyun had waited for the person seated next to Seongwoo to move so she could sit by him. "Do you want to go to lunch? I think Sokyung and Doyeon might come here so we can all go together."

"Let's just wait for them. My brain hurts." the teen boy chuckled, lifting his head up, meeting the eyes of his girlfriend as she hummed. "I can't wait to graduate, only a few more mont—" Sooyun started to say until a student interrupted her.

"Seongwoo!" the boy looked up from his desk. "Oh yeah?" he said, watching as the student made his way towards the two. "Can I ask you something?" the boy questioned. Sooyun gave Seongwoo a look. "I guess..?"

"You're friends with those famous kids right? The ones who came here last year and that Jingyi girl?" he said. It was clear that Seongwoo was already annoyed and the boy coming up to him only made things worse. "What's it to you?"

"Well I just wanted to see if you hook me up with one of the girls." the boy's smirk plastered on his lips only caused Seongwoo to roll his eyes at the stupid question. "Get out of my face, seriously." he scoffed, standing up from his chair.

"Chill man, it's not that serious!" the boy laughed, glancing over to Sooyun. "Just because your girl is here doesn't mean you gotta be so defensive. I was just asking a simple question!" he continued to laugh, which caused students around them to circle in, hoping to see Seongwoo get irritated even more.

They knew that he was friends with the children of a famous band. They all knew that, yet they couldn't be one less bit mindful of how they approached them. "Just tell me if one of those girls are eas—" he started to say, being interrupted by Seongwoo's fist.

Sooyun immediately pushed her boyfriend to the side. "Do you seriously not have any common sense? You think Umi or Inhye would ever go for you?" Sooyun faked a laugh, glaring at the boy as he wiped his bloody nose. "Oh wow..it's not that serious, you know." the boy mumbled.

Soon the twins had entered the classroom, looking upon the scene as Sokyung gasped. "I didn't know Seongwoo had it in him!" she mumbled to her brother.

"What are you going to do? Call your friends to sue me?" the boy said. Doyeon glanced over to Seongwoo who was already on his last nerve. It seemed as if Sokyung had thought the same thing and had immediately went over to the boy, dragging him away before he could do anything else.

Sooyun wanted to follow after the three, but stopped once the boy had said something else. "Oh I bet you're only dating him because he can at least give you something. I mean..that's what every girl says." he chuckled, not paying attention to the girl as she grabbed a hardcover book from a student's desk and swung it across his face.

"If only someone had said that about you, what a fucking bummer." Sooyun then threw the book at his foot. "Oh you're lucky! What you just did could have you suspended— even expelled, but I guess that won't happen because your parents know people right? Oh wait..but didn't one of them die?"

Sokyung then noticed the crowd was still there, finally realizing that Sooyun was not with them. Finally realizing, that the girl's temper was not be messed with.

"Welp, that's his fault." she mumbled, sighing before running back to the classroom to which Doyeon and Seongwoo immediately followed after her. Their eyes were met with Sooyun as she was trying to pry herself off of the teachers who were holding onto her.

"Aw shit.."

"That dude looks jammed up.."

"Seongwoo..just be prepared to be called up to the office too.."

"I might as well just go with Yun."


Nabi stared at her daughter with worry as Jeno was behind her. Seongwoo was seated a few chairs away from her, his head hung low as Mark and Eunha stared at him. "Seongwoo, you could've been charged—"

"He was talking about Umi and Inhye like they were just some shit. Did you expect me to be quiet?" Seongwoo then rose his head, staring at his parents in disbelief while Sooyun turned to him. She wanted to say what the boy had told her, but she didn't want the situation to get even worse.

"No, I don't expect you to be quiet, but the last thing you should've done was punch him." Eunha said, crouching down to her son's eye level. Sooyun then slowly came to tears, her body trembling as Nabi tried hugging her, only to be pushed away from her daughter. "Sooyun.."

The teenage girl then stood up from her chair and started heading towards the car. She was ultimately tired of hearing her friends being spoken badly on. Seongwoo stood up the second she left, only to be seated back down by Mark.

"You guys are so annoying.." the boy mumbled, standing back up and pushing through his parents as he followed after his girlfriend. The twins stood there guilty, they thought if only they were there a few seconds earlier, then maybe the couple wouldn't have been expelled.

"We're sorry." Sokyung said, the two set of parents each turned around towards the girl. "It's not your fault, Sokyung. They should've—"

"They were disrespecting Umi and Inhye." Doyeon spoke, interrupting Jeno. "If the teachers had came a bit later, i'm sure he would've started disrespecting Umi even more." he continued. "You can be mad at their actions, but don't be mad at them..or at least that's what my dad told me.." Doyeon mumbled.

"I understand Doyeon, but you are not their parents." Nabi said, watching the boy nod his head. "Then I hope you understand that this has been happening for so long and today was the day they finally snapped. It's been happening to us and Jingyi too— even Umi, Shinichi and Inhye. Sometimes Xiang when he's out for work."

"They're lucky they're only in high school, imagine if it was one of the other five. They're more in the spotlight than we are, they get more hate than we do, but we face it more because we know them publicly and we go to a public place almost everyday." Doyeon kept going.

"You can be mad at their actions, but not them.."

Doyeon then excused himself, Sokyung following after him.

The parents could only sigh at the situation, knowing that action had to be done one way or another.

.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.

𝗆𝗎𝗌𝗂𝖼 𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗌 • 𝘯𝘤𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮Where stories live. Discover now