Chapter 3

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Heavy, thick darkness.

It surrounded my body and clouded my senses.

I tried to move. It was useless.

It felt like gravity was bearing down into my very soul.

I tried to scream.

Not a sound echoed in the void I had found myself in.

I reached out to touch something, anything.

There was nothing to catch my fall as I tumbled forward, down, down, down...

I sucked in a gasping breath.

My lungs ached as I tried to steady my breathing, burning from the salty smell in the air. I stilled as blood dripped down my face. Excruciating pain flared in the side of my head as I rolled to my side.

What had happened? What went wrong? Where was everybody else?

I blinked a few times, eyes struggling to adjust to the light and dust. Something was different. The scene in front of me began to focus, and I froze.

This was not the event hall I had been in prior to the explosion.

Had somebody taken me away?

Propping against the wall, I began to take in my surroundings, memorizing every detail. The room was dimly lit, the only light entering the room from a large window that seemed to face outward on a large door. There was machinery everywhere covered in dust and seeming like it hadn't been used in years. Scanning the room, something glimmered in the light, catching my attention. I crawled toward the object on the ground, hands shaking as I reached out to grab it.

Dice. Two golden die tethered to one another by a chain.

I returned to the wall, groaning as I stretched my legs. My new discovery had to give some sort of insight as to where I was. Examining the dice, I quickly realized that I had no idea where I was. The markings on the sides of each die was foreign to me. Alien. I pocketed the dice and sighed.

What is happening... I thought. I tried to replay the events at the demonstration in my mind. I remembered that the first demonstration went exactly to plan. I remembered that something went wrong with the second demonstration. I remembered that when I began its coding sequence, I felt that all too familiar prick at the back of my neck.

Then the explosion, my friends screaming my name.

And then, light. Bright light shunned into darkness.

Tears swelled, mixing with the blood that caked my face. It was My fault. It had to be. I had to have entered the coding wrong, causing the reactor to overload and fry the machine. I brought my knees to my chest and began to rock. Sobs escaped my lips.

I clutched at the precious gift Coop had given me. All of My work... All of these years...And for what? To have it be destroyed and for me to find myself in some foreign place I had never seen before. I grieved for my friends as the realization set in that I may never see them again. I grieved for my life's work and passion, obliterated before my very eyes.

My sobbing eventually slowed to hushed breaths. I wiped the tears from my eyes and got to my feet, examining the reflection looking back in the large window.

Nothing too bad other than the gash on my forehead and some scratches and bruises littering my legs. The brilliant white lab coat Coop had so graciously gifted me was tinged gray and brown from the dust. My dress and pumps seemed rather unharmed. I adjusted some misguided strands of hair and stood a little straighter.

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant