Chapter 5

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When I woke later in the night, restless from the questions swirling in my head, my stomach groaned with hunger. I had no idea what time it was, just that I absolutely needed something to eat.

Cracking the door to my room, I looked out into the sitting area. The room was dark except for the starlight shining through the window. The table still lay in shards in the floor. I thought back to how Ben launched it across the room. I still didn't know what to make of him telling me of how he could always sense my presence or why he stormed off the way he did after I gave him the dice.

I couldn't read him, and it bothered me. Not in the sense of how he could read me with the Force, but how I am normally a fantastic people-reader. I can't tell what his opinion of me is, nor can I figure out if the slight pull I am feeling towards him is just this foreign connection or if I am already becoming attached to him.

I quietly rifled through the cabinets, not wanting to wake Ben. Everything was labeled with foreign language, and I had no idea what most of the food items were. I found multiple tea options, which I would definitely be utilizing in the morning. I eventually found a package of what seemed to look like granola and after a taste test, I was pretty sure it was. I got a glass of water from the faucet before taking my snack and propping up in the large bay window.

There was no concept of time here. No concept of night or day. As long as we were in space, my biological clock could not tell if I was supposed to be sleeping or awake. I quietly crunched the granola, watching as ships of all sizes moved around the Finalizer.

I was never going home.

The thought turned my stomach. Call it destiny or whatever, but that was the only thought giving me comfort that I had been ripped from my home—that the universe meant for this to happen. But why? Even through all the dimensions, why am I here? What could possibly connect me to Ben? In the short amount of time that I've known him, I could see the similarities between us—our tempers, our ambition, our cockiness. I could tell he struggles with something the way he looked at those dice, possibly the same way I struggle with the thoughts surrounding my parents.

My glass clinked against the tile as I set it in the floor, pulling my knees to my chest. Tears that I did not want formed in my eyes again. I did not want to cry, nor did I want to feel sorry for myself anymore. This was my life now, where I was going to be. Like Ben said, even if we tried to reach Earth, we would be dead before we got remotely close. Unless there was some other life-altering, cosmic occurrence in the near future, there was no going back.

I tensed as I heard the soft click of a door opening. Ben stood in his doorway in a black t-shirt and sleep pants. His hair was mussed from what looked like a fitful sleep. His eyes met mine and we stayed like that for a while before he averted his gaze to the destroyed dining table. The quietness of the room was unbearable—so quiet I felt the urge to labor my breathing to prevent being too loud.

Surprisingly, it was Ben who broke the silence this time.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, his hand massaging the back of his neck.

"Yeah," I started, "I didn't realize how hungry I was." I said as I gesturing to the glass and empty package I had sat beside me.

"Oh, right...I should've ordered for a meal to be brought from the ship's kitchen for you. I apologize."

I sighed, "It's alright, there are plenty of snacks."

The silence started again. I couldn't take it.

"So..." I eyed him. "What are we doing here, Ben?"

His eyes moved back to me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean—jeez, at least come sit over here. I can't stand this weird standoff thing that's happening."

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora