Chapter 14

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I was dreaming again.

The same grassy field.

The same waterfall that cast a rainbow in the mist.

I sighed at the peace that surrounded me. Glancing down, I noticed I wore a gray dress this time. The bodice was made with gray silk that hung deep off my shoulders. The bottom half was adorned in flowing, ruffling layers of tulle that danced in the light breeze of the wind. My hair fell straight down my back, grazing across my shoulders as the wind whipped against me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that small head of raven locks running across the pasture. I turned to follow the child before he dissipated into the air.

I stood, confused. That had never happened before. I walked toward the water when I felt a presence behind me.

"Ben..." I said turning to face him. Except, that wasn't Ben.

He favored Ben in many ways. He had longer, wavy hair, but it was brown instead of black. He also had a scar across the side of his face. He wore brown and black robes and the hilt of a lightsaber hung at his side.

"Who are you?" I asked, cautiously taking a couple steps back.

"Please," he started, "You have no reason to be afraid."

I eyed him and moved closer. He was attractive, but nowhere near Ben's level.

"Who are you?" I asked again, arms crossing.

"Who I am does not matter right now. I come bearing a message for you. If you would walk with me." He extended an arm for me to take. I stared at it for a moment before looping my arm through his as he led me along the side of the water.

"There has been a disturbance in the Force. An awakening. Something is coming," he spoke with caution as he led us to a stone bench near the edge of the water.

"Secrets and lies that have been hidden for years within Ben Solo's family are about to come to pass. It is of upmost importance that the two of you find balance within the Force. You are a dyad-two that are one. Only together do you have the strength to face the danger that is looming."

I was so fucking confused.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

"There is an island with secrets that lie beneath. There is a way to achieve true balance in the Force. One that allows you to carry both the power of the Light and the Dark. You must go there. You've felt the awakening. It has called you, hasn't it?" he asked.

I thought for a second to the feeling I felt when I was meditating with Ben. It felt like vibrations hitting my very soul, but I could never pinpoint the origin.

"Yes," I said, looking out over the water before returning my gaze to him, "but I am not sure what I felt. It just felt like something was calling me."

"Indeed, it is," he agreed, removing his lightsaber from his waist, the silver shining in the sun. "Powerful Light, powerful Dark. By combining the two, balance is achieved. A lightsaber can be a very mighty weapon for a Force user. Its construction is rigorous and is an extension of one's very soul. The crystals used to make them call to us. They seek us. Your awakening has come, but so has something else."

I looked down at my hands as I tried to process what he was saying. The crystals call to me? There are only two crystals on the entire Finalizer that I knew of, so that would mean... I looked back in his direction as the realization dawned on me, but he was gone, leaving me alone on the bench.

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now