Chapter 20

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It had been about a week since we had returned to the Finalizer. After the encounter with Luke, the two of us left him. He never came out of his hut again.

Ben was working tirelessly to attempt to translate the scroll. He knew that it had something to do with the crystals, but the texts were written in Sith. Not only were they written in Sith, but they were also written in a variable code. I had hoped that by having the archive, I'd have another vision and magically figure it out—that definitely wasn't the case.

Given the pending danger that would more than likely head our way, Ben thought it would be best if I took up training with the Knights, specifically Ap'lek. I worked with different blasters, taking them apart, cleaning them, and putting them back together. Eventually he showed me other physical contact weapons that I basically beat the shit out of a training droid with.

"Why do I have to learn to use all of these things?" I huffed, ramming into another training droid with a spear. The Knights trained around me, unmasked, while Ap'lek supervised.

"It is best that you are familiar with all forms of weaponry, Miss Ren. Especially being the Supreme Leader's partner—it puts a target on your back as well," he replied, taking the spear from me and returning it to the wall rack.

I wiped sweat from my forehead, "Yeah, you got that right. I've already had someone try to poison me."

"It was a peculiar incident," he said, "and definitely not work of the Resistance. Which is partially the reason Master Ren is concerned."

"And the rest of his reasoning for being concerned?"

Ushar approached the two of us from behind, "He loves you. That's literally the only other reason."

I flushed, "Well, I do understand that."

"And you love him?" Cardo asked, moving to stand beside Ushar. I had hardly spoken to the rest of the Knights.

"She killed Vicrul for him, she must love him," Kuruk spat.

"Kuruk—don't," Trudgen warned.

"No—I'm finished being silent. She killed our brother only to parade around as Ren's whore," he towered over me, eyes slicing like daggers.

"That's enough," Ap'lek thundered. The Knights backed away, leaving me toe to toe with Kuruk. Rage engulfed my every fiber and I stared right back at him.

"I had no intention of killing him," I said through gritted teeth.

"And yet he is fucking dead. And not only is he dead, but he also told you how he felt about you. You don't deserve to be by Ren's side—I'd much rather see that scavenger as his whore."

Red. All I saw was red.

I threw out my hand, beckoning Ap'lek's axe to my side. Kuruk bared his teeth, ripping a double-ended spear from the training room wall. The vibro-ax pulsated under my grip as I charged at him, blinding anger rippling through my muscles as I relentlessly attacked him. He hit back, sweat and spit flinging from his form as he administered blow after blow against my weapon. Shouting in the background faded to dissonance as the two of us tore into each other.

The hilt of the axe cracked against Kuruk's jaw, immediately dislocating it and sending blood pouring from his mouth. He continued his onslaught, but faltered, causing me to rid him of the spear. It clattered against the back wall of the room. I decided to make the fight fair, tossing the axe to the side. The two of us circled each other before he tackled me, slamming my back against the steel of the floor. I yelped as my head hit the hard surface, but I didn't give in.

Centering myself in the Force, I launched him across the room, crashing him into a shelf of weights. He charged again, before I reached out, grasping his throat through an invisible grip and lifting him into the air. My teeth chattered with adrenaline as I watched blood spew from his mouth as he clawed at his throat, gagging for air.

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now