Chapter 4

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I was in that dream again.

Standing in the middle of the grassy field, I watched the waterfall as a rainbow bloomed from where the cascade connected with the lake below. The sun warmed my skin where the misted water had settled. Something about this dream felt different though. I waited for the scene to shift, as it always did, but nothing came. I glanced down at my body and saw it wrapped in flowing cream silk, flecks of gold adorning the sheer sleeves draping my shoulders.

This dream felt...peaceful.

I waded through the tall grass, hands ever so delicately grazing the tops of the wildflowers surrounding me. I edged near the lake and sighed, closing my eyes. Contentment overcame my senses as a smile crept to my face.

"Maeve..." he said, as I heard the brush rustle behind me.

"Ben," I said, turning to face him.

The sight of him startled me. He was not wearing those heavy black clothes and his face looked more rested. Gray and brown robes covered his body, and a silver object was attached to his side. He came to stand near me before speaking.

"You look well, Doctor," he said.

"I feel..." I trailed off, not sure what to describe what I was feeling.

"At peace," he finished my sentence.

I smiled up at him, "Yes. Exactly that. This dream is playing out a lot differently than it usually does. I must say I like this version better," I replied.

"Mm," he hummed, "maybe you can tell me about the other version at a later time then."

Confusion spread across my face. A later time? This is a dream about him, like always. I just never knew who he was before. Right? And where was the child?

I felt him place his hand under my chin, gently tilting my face up to look at him again.

"We have all the time in the galaxy, but now, it's time to wake up, Doctor," he murmured, thumb lightly caressing my jaw.

Ben's figure faded and as it did, so did the rest of the dream.

My eyes fluttered open and tried to adjust to the light surrounding me. I rolled on my back, stretching and letting out a long yawn. That was the hardest I had slept in literal years. I shifted under the silken sheets, causing them to slide down my body. I stared at the ceiling, momentarily confused at my surroundings. Someone clearing their throat caused me to jolt into a sitting position, eyes darting around the room, before settling on the man resting in the armchair.

"I see you're awake," Ben said, his voice colder than the one that had induced sleep.

Holy fucking shit, he scared the hell out of me, I sighed to myself, pulling the sheet back up to cover My legs.

"Yeah, no shit. You scared the fuck out of me," I said, running a hand through my now dried hair.

He chuckled softly, "I do apologize for that, Doctor. We have reached the Finalizer. I've cleared the hangar so we can exit without disruption."

"Okay," I said, sliding off the bed. I briefly forgot about my lack of pants and hurriedly tugged the sweater back down toward my knees. I hoped he didn't see, but I knew he was looking.

Ben stood and waited in the doorway as I grabbed my lab coat and pumps from the side table before following him out the door. The feel of the cold metal on my feet was harsh, so I quickly stepped into the shoes before following Ben towards the exit ramp.

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now