Chapter 19

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Pure, blinding rage sent shockwaves through our bond.

Ben's grasp on my hand tightened as he moved toward the man, his saber ignited and leading him. He pulled me with him, shielding my body behind him.

"How? HOW?!" he spit at the man, "I felt you disintegrate from the Force!"

My eyes flicked nervously between Ben and the older man. Even in previous exchanges with Ben's temper—his Kylo Ren side—I had never felt such turmoil coursing through him. I knew what Ben was capable of...And I didn't want to witness it firsthand.

"I came to this island to die, Ben," the man said, turning to face us both. He was so close to the end of the lightsaber that the red light illuminated his face. "I failed you. I came here to live with that regret—that despair—and die."

Ben ground his teeth together, his hand tightening around the hilt of the weapon. Slight tears brimmed his eyes as he breathed heavily. The silence was so thick, almost tangible.

"Ben..." I whispered, hand snaking around his raised arm. His head turned to mine, eyes searching my face. I laced my hand over his and lowered the weapon, deactivating it. I cupped his face and he leaned into my touch, closing his eyes. The man studied our interaction, focusing intently on me.

"Who are you?" he asked me. Him speaking snapped Ben's attention back to the present, Ben protectively shielding me behind him. I stepped around to face him, holding Ben's hand.

"My name is Maeve, but I suppose I could ask the same of you," I replied. I knew some about Ben's past, but I remembered how he described the island when I first researched it. "I'm assuming you're Ben's 'Jedi-scum uncle' as he described it." I didn't need to look at Ben to know a smirk crossed his face.

"I can see you've been told some family history, how quaint..." he replied, I rolled my eyes. "I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master. I am Ben's uncle."

It's okay, I said to Ben through the bond, he will not harm us.

He eyed me, But that does not mean that I don't wish to harm him.

There is more to this altercation, I said, he could be of help to us. The Force has brought us to this point for a reason. If you've taught me anything, it's that the Force guides us to where we need to be.

It guided me to you, he replied. I gave him a small smile. I wasn't exactly one to beat around the bush, so I got right to the fucking point.

"Now that we're all introduced...What the fuck did you do to Ben?" I asked, stalking toward Luke. He was my height, so I stood toe to toe with him, eyes burning into his.

"He didn't tell you," it was a statement, rather than a question.

"No, he didn't," I felt Ben's uneasiness through the bond, "so speak, Jedi."

Luke went on to tell how he felt darkness building in Ben during his Jedi training, how he thought he could stop it by taking his life. He said the moment of pure instinct passed, but Ben saw him draw his weapon on him. Ben reacted by pulling the stone hut in on them both. Luke said that he awoke to his temple and training sites burning and Ben was gone. That Ben had destroyed the temple. Something about the story did not sit right. There was more to it.

"No, no. This isn't right," I said.

"It's true," Ben stepped forward, wrapping a hand around my waist.

"I believe everything he has told me except you burning the temple," I said, "Ben, do you actually remember starting the fire?"

He studied me for a moment, brow furrowing, as he tried to remember that fateful night. "I..." he stammered, shaking his head, "I...don't. I woke up and a blast—fire, people screaming..." he trailed off, pacing along the shore.

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