Chapter 13

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My mind raced as we walked the halls of the Finalizer. If Ben heard the thoughts zooming through my head, which he probably did, he didn't say. I kept replaying this morning and last night in my head, over and over again. I couldn't stop the onslaught of fantasies that sprung into my head either. I had never experienced what I experienced with him last night and I had never had such ruthless, yet passionate sex in my life. It felt as though something inside of me had awakened and now, I wanted more. More of him, more of what he could do to me. If Ben heard those thoughts, he didn't even acknowledge it.

I tried my best to keep the imaginations at bay. I wasn't sure how this bond between Ben and I worked but based on the many steamy fantasies I had read back on Earth, it was as if the bond itself between Fae mates could be sensed by others. Who knows, that was just what I read in books. But what I was mostly concerned about was my thoughts leaking out into the minds of other Force-users on this ship, mainly the Knights. I clamped down on my mind, teeth grinding, and tried my damnedest to keep any thought of Ben fucking me out of my head.

A quick sideways glance towards him made me realize that he heard it all. Based on the slight flush to his face and the smirk on his full lips, I'd say he heard every last vulgar detail.


The door to the training room flew open and I was shocked to find all six Knights inside, unmasked, and training.

"Hey, Princess!" Vicrul bellowed, waving, causing the other Knights to snap their heads in my direction. At the sight of Ben, they all bowed to one knee, eliciting a stern "Master Ren" before continuing training.

"Hey, Vicrul," I said, waving back and following Ben through the training room. I eyed the rest of the Knights as I followed Ben to the double doors at the back of the room. I tried to remember the names Ap'lek had said previously, but I failed miserably. The two of us entered Ben's private training facility, the doors closing softly behind. The room was dark, only illuminated by the stars outside the bay window. It was peaceful.

"Princess?" Ben's voice snapped me out of my trance as I stared out the window.

"Huh?" I questioned him.

"Vicrul called you 'Princess'..." he cocked an eyebrow. "I heard him refer to you as that previously, but I can definitely say this is the first time it pissed me off."

"Oh..." I huffed, "I'm not really sure why he calls me that. Pretty much has since I've been on this ship."

Ben's lips pulled into a tight line. He almost looked jealous. He didn't speak as he moved to the side of the room to bring two mats to sit in front of the window, placing them on the ground. Apparently, Vicrul's pet name for me got under his skin. Ben sat with legs crossed on one of the mats and motioned for me to join him on the opposite one.

"Ben? Is something wrong?"

He didn't respond.

"Ben..." I reached out and took his hand.

"He has feelings for you."

I laughed. Like, really loud. So loud those fucking Knights probably heard me.

Vicrul has "feelings" for me. Ridiculous. I could not stand that asshole. He reminded me of Mason more than anybody else, which made me dislike him even more.

"What's so funny?" Ben asked, arms crossing over his chest.

"Oh, my dear Supreme Leader," I said, still laughing, "as if I could ever care for that asshole in that way."

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now