Chapter 15

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A soft kiss to my forehead and a light jolt to my shoulder roused me from dreams. I blinked the sleep from my eyes to see Ben standing over me, a small grin creasing his features as I made eye contact with him.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he said as I sat up. He sat on the couch at my back, pulling me into his lap.

"Hey," I yawned, letting out a small whimper that elicited a chuckle from him, "what time is it?"

"Well, it's time for dinner. The service droid should be here soon."

The events of earlier in the day began to flood my mind and a sudden dread overtook. I sat up to look at Ben, worry crossing his features.

"What's wrong?" he asked, gently cupping my face.

I leaned into his touch, "The Resistance pilot. What happened?"

Ben sighed, "He seemed to leave the ship through an escape pod. Multiple pods were launched at the same time. We sent a ship to the crash sites, but we were unable to locate him."

"Did you find out who helped him?"

"No, even though I have some ideas about that. But, that's not relevant at the moment. I've desperately needed this all day."

Ben began placing soft kisses from my temple down to my neck. I sighed at the sensation, lulling my head to the side as he licked and nipped at the tender spot behind my ear.

"Ben..." I moaned, tugging at the roots of his hair. He growled in response, pulling me to straddle his lap. He kissed with utter desperation, tongue lapping against my lips as it begged for entrance. I obliged, taking his tongue into my own mouth, lightly sucking on it and nipping at his lips. I felt wetness pool between my legs as my mind became foggy with desire. Before I could slip too much farther into that abyss, I pulled back, panting. Ben let out an annoyed moan at the loss of my kiss.

"Ben, we really have a lot to discuss," I said.

He drew small circles on my lower back, "Ugh, I guess you are right, sweetheart. Where should we start?"

I knew exactly where I wanted to start. I hopped up from his lap and went to the control panel on the wall, opening the library shelf. I looked over at Ben as he removed his boots and tunic, leaving him in his undershirt and pants. I smiled to myself as I returned my attention to the shelf, retrieving the box and journal that had piqued my interest earlier. I returned to his lap, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek as I displayed the items.

"I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy," I started. "Ap'lek told me about the library shelf in the wall and I found this. I was curious."

He took the box in his hands. His large hands absolutely dwarfed the already small object. He opened it and thumbed through the scrolls, sighing to himself. I felt some discomfort through our bond, but it quickly diminished.

Shutting the box, he spoke, "This is from my days of training as a Jedi...A Light side user. They're just manuscripts in the old Jedi language. Mostly just the Jedi code and notes from training."

I handed him the journal, "What about this?" I flipped a few pages in until I found those two sets of texts I had read earlier. "Are one of these a Jedi code?"

Ben's fingers lightly traced over the fading script, "Yes, this one is the Jedi code and this one is the code of the Sith."

"They're so...Absolute. And extreme from one another. Everything isn't always so black and white," I said, reading over the words in my head.

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now