Chapter 9

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"He's on the bridge," Ap'lek started, "do you want to visit him?"

"What?" I said, my head swinging in Ap'lek's direction as I sat in the bay window of our quarters. I clutched the throw pillow between my knees and my chest a little tighter.

After mine and Ben's altercation in the lift, there seemed to be this mutual distancing between us. I would be lying if I said that I didn't thoroughly enjoy that kiss—because I definitely did. Enjoyed it so much that later that night as I relaxed in the bath, I couldn't help my hand from going between my legs to relieve the ache that had refused to ease.

Even so, it had been a day or two since that. If I saw him at all, it was in passing. When our eyes locked, he looked ravenous. If we were in the same proximity as the lift again, I am not sure what would happen.

Ap'lek sighed. "Look, Mae. I don't need to know the details of what happened, nor do I exactly want to know."

A slight laugh played at my lips at the thought of venting my issues to Ap'lek. Normal women have girlfriends for that... and I have these Knights.

"But I do know," he continued, "that this defeated, moping behavior is because of whatever went on. He has been the same way and, frankly, has been much more volatile when he goes without seeing you."

"Shit, you got that right." Vicrul chimed in. "I wish you two would just do it and get it over with."

"What the hell?!" I shouted, throwing the pillow at Vicrul. The pillow hit its mark, and Vicrul howled with laughter.

"There's our girl." Vicrul grinned.


Ap'lek pinched the bridge of his nose, completely exhausted by our behavior.

"Look, Princess," Vicrul said as he stood to lean against the wall where I sat in the window, "as much as I just love hanging out in these quarters all day long and walking on eggshells around the both of you, it's getting fucking exhausting. Can't you guys just like, talk it over or some shit?"

I groaned in frustration, resting my head against the glass. If I was honest with myself, I would say that I just wanted to talk to Ben and get it over with. I had never been in such a predicament with a man that I became so frustrated yet so enraptured at the same time. As both Ap'lek and Vicrul had stated, it was exhausting.

I sighed, "Fine. You're both right. I guess we can just walk down there."

I stood from my seat, heading to grab my boots at the end of the couch.

"Woah, woah, woah," Vicrul said. "You're going to go looking like that?" He gestured to my tunic and leggings.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?!" I complained.

"Doctor, Princess, listen. I've never seen Ren get so tore up over anybody in his life, especially a woman. I'm pretty sure the man is still a virgin—"

"Not my business, Vicrul!" I said, cutting him off.

"Anyway... I'd love to see his face if you showed up in one of those pretty dresses he picked out for ya. He was never good at hiding his emotions. He used to wear a mask like the rest of us, ya know." Vicrul finished.

I looked down at my outfit. While it wasn't necessarily terrible, it was definitely reminiscent of a movie night on the couch, specifically the ones I spent watching rom-coms with a bag of popcorn and a glass of wine. Also, I could tell that I needed the prepping and pampering. Getting myself ready each morning was something that helped keep my mental health in check, which I had really neglected since being on this ship. I wasn't getting dressed up for Ben, it was for me—but it would be funny to make Ben squirm.

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