Chapter 12

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I felt like I was burning up as my eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the dimly lit room. It was like a thousand fucking degrees. And I felt something really heavy on my chest.

My eyes cleared from their sleep-induced blur, and I looked down to see a head full of raven locks moving up and down on my chest as I breathed. Ben was like a heater and even though I was super uncomfortable and burning the hell up, I didn't dare wake him. I wanted to keep him like this forever.

I wasn't exactly sure at what point I had fallen asleep. Ben played with my hair as I told him about different quantum theories I had worked on. I listened as he finally told me that the dice from the Rebel base was a trinket from his father's ship, which is why he responded the way he did. The conversations seemed different now, like he was more okay with the idea of being completely open with one another. The events from the previous night began to flash through my mind.

Rey storming our quarters, and me almost killing her. I wished I would have. Dinner with Ben and the conversation that came with it. Retelling my lifelong secret to the only man in any universe that I trusted. Ben using the word "soulmates" to describe our connection in the Force.

My face flushed.

I fucked Ben. The Supreme Leader of the galaxy.

I placed a hand on his hair, gently running my fingers through its silky strands. Closing my eyes, I allowed my mind to drift as I listened to his soft snores. Obviously, the connection the two of us had in the Force was intriguing, but I was more concerned with the connection we had right now.

What would come of this relationship? What didn't work? Is that a thing? If we're "soulmates" does that mean that, no matter what, we'll be together forever? If he's the Supreme Leader and I'm fucking the Supreme Leader, what does that make me? His concubine?

"Sweetheart," Ben mumbled against my bare chest, startling me, "your thoughts are really fucking loud." He lifted his head to look at me, sleep glassing over his eyes as he gave a small grin.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

Ben shifted around to my side, and I rolled to face him, slinging a leg over his hip and scooting closer. His arm draped across my waist as I gently caressed his face, tracing the scar that went down it. I frowned at the thought of him in pain.

"It's okay, I was going to get up in a few anyway."

His eyes scanned my face and on down my bare body. His fingers danced across the skin of my back. As much as he was able to read my thoughts, I still wasn't able to just hear his.

Ben pressed his lips to mine, the caress heartbreakingly gentle.

"I just can't believe you're mine—how beautiful you are and how I feel so complete with you" he murmured against my lips, "but no, you're not my concubine."

I rolled my eyes.

"Ha, ha, very funny," I replied, playfully flicking his nose. "But for real, when do I get to hear your thoughts whenever I want to?"

Ben considered for a moment. "Well, we will probably need for you to be stronger in the Force for that to happen. I am not necessarily locking you out of my mind, because we are bonded, but we need to work on your connection to the Force itself."

"Okay... So, what are we going to do today, Supreme Leader?" I asked, twirling a lock of his hair between my fingers.

He smiled. "I had thought that we would begin actual training today."

My face lit up. "That sounds awesome! Will I get a lightsaber?"

He chuckled, "You don't just 'get' a lightsaber, first of all. You have to make it. But, no. We will not be starting with that."

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now