Chapter 22

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"Fuck—just like that. You're such a good girl, sucking your Master's cock."

After a night of restless sleep and waking up to Ben's dick stabbing me in the ass, why not wake him up with some head? That and the fact I had to control myself in the bath the night before.

Ben's large hands gathered my hair away from my face, forcing my head down on his cock. His thick member ripped into my esophagus as saliva pooled from my mouth around his pelvis. I slipped a hand beneath my underwear and drew fast circles on my clit, each gag I let out causing me to move closer towards my climax.

I fit him fully in my mouth and down my throat, opening wide enough to allow my tongue to graze his balls as my head bobbed up and down. Briefly coming up for air, I took his balls in my mouth, tongue lapping over them. They tightened, and I knew he was close. I pulled away with a loud pop before taking his cock back in my mouth.

"Goddammit, suck that fucking cock," Ben breathed, completely powerless under the hold I had him in. I deep throated him once more, feeling his cock twitch before spilling hot cum down my throat. The saltiness and thickness of his load made me come undone around the two fingers I had slipped inside my pussy. My cunt throbbed as I pulled my hand away and sat up, swallowing the remnants of him left on my tongue. He took my hand, licking my juices from my fingers before pulling me to his chest.

"Well," he chuckled, "good morning to you, too."

I snuggled into his side, lightly tracing the scars lining his abdomen, "Good morning, Ben Solo. So, what's on the agenda today?"

"Actually, you get me all to yourself today." He twirled my hair through his fingers.

I shot up, "What? Really?!"

He kissed my forehead before rising from the bed, "Yep, all day. I figured it would be good for the two of us to spend time together before I leave for the mission in a couple days. We can do whatever you want to do."

That mission. Ugh, fuck that mission. I HAD to go, but how? He would never allow it. The Knights would completely blow my cover if I tried to sneak in with them. I needed more information.

"Oh...Right." I let sadness seep through the bond.

"What's wrong?" he asked, slipping his tunic over his head.

"I'm just worried, I guess. Ya know, for your safety."

"There is no reason to worry, sweetheart." Ben sat next to me on the bed as he slipped his boots on. "Between the Knights and taking a hefty squadron of troopers, we will be perfectly safe."

Ding, ding, ding.

And just like that, a lightbulb went off in my head.

"I know what I want to do today."


"When I said we could do whatever you wanted today, I definitely did not have this in mind." Ben said as I approached the arena. The doors slid open to show multitudes of troopers inside training, a chrome one barking commands at a select group.

"Well, Supreme Leader, I figured that if I am going to be left guarded by troopers, I might as well pick them myself."

Once I had realized that the Knights were going with Ben, I needed—well, Ben said I needed—someone to keep an eye on me until he returned. I had figured that arguing with Ben about accompanying him on the mission was useless. While he thought he could keep me locked up in an ivory tower, away from all the chaos of war, it was not happening. He spoke of me ruling at his side. How could I rule a place—a galaxy­—if I knew nothing of its troubles? I might've trusted Space Prince with my life and my love, but I was certain that there were things about the war and the nature of the First Order that he hadn't cared to mention. I needed to see firsthand for myself.

Was that a good idea? In theory, yes. I didn't want to live blindly, only believing what I was told by him and the Knights. Was I concerned that discovering the truth could change everything? I pushed the thought away.

"Captain Phasma," Ben addressed the chrome-clad trooper.

"Supreme Leader."

Phasma was a woman. I was impressed, yet frightened, as I approached her and realized she stood as tall as Ben. I thought about what she had had to do to get in her place of power. For whatever reason, I had assumed all the troopers to be men. I guessed it was easier to assume them all male with the armor. Maybe I could find a couple women to befriend...Except ones like that nurse that tried to kill me. Perhaps Phasma would make a good ally.

I placed myself at Ben's side, his arm snaking around me and gently squeezing the flesh of my exposed waist. My ensemble for the day had become one of my favorites, despite its simplicity. Ben's approval was smug on his face when I graced the living area. It was a set of high-waisted, wide-legged black pants paired with a black bandeau top. The top had an overlay of black lace with fabric draping off the shoulder and down the back to create a small cape.

"It's nice to meet you, Captain Phasma," I smiled.

"Miss Ren," her helmet nodded in my direction, "the pleasure is all mine. I had wondered when the Supreme Leader would bring you into our ranks."

Ben cleared his throat, "Phasma, I am in need of troopers to guard Miss Ren while we are gone to Mustafar."

Captain Phasma pulled a datapad and clicked through some screens before surveying the surrounding troopers. Before she could speak, I made my request.

"Captain Phasma," I interrupted as Phasma's helmet turned to me, "I would like to request that my troopers be female. At least one of them, if they are available." Curiosity flickered down the bond as Ben cocked an eyebrow.

"Certainly, Miss Ren. Though I expected you to be comfortable around my male troopers considering you give those dogs of Ren's a run for their credits." She stifled a laugh and I smiled. Ben's eye roll was obnoxious enough that I didn't need to face him to see it.

Two troopers marched to our area, stopping a few feet from the three of us. They stood at attention and didn't speak as I surveyed them. They seemed more petite than the other troopers, but definitely more of my size. Which was perfect. I controlled my scheming thoughts before I spoke.

"How did they know to come here?"

"Their helmets have technology in them that allow us to communicate orders through datapads or commanding armor, when we are in the battlefield." Ben answered. I tucked that bit of information away.

"Miss Ren," Phasma started, "these are troopers AG-1839 and FR-9472. Both female units who will be at your disposal once the Supreme Leader leaves for his mission. They will be stationed at your quarters after the gala."

"It's nice to meet you both," I said, extending a hand to shake. Both troopers gave a slight bow in reply before returning to attention. My brow furrowed as I withdrew my hand, slight embarrassment pooling in my gut. The way the troopers followed orders without question made me queasy. I wondered if there was anything they wouldn't do.

"You're dismissed," Ben stated, authority coating his words. "Phasma, I would also like to..."

I didn't hear what Ben was saying. My attention drifted to that slight tug at the back of my consciousness, the singing that reverberated down my spine. Over the past weeks, I'd become familiar with the way the crystals pulled me to them. How they called to me.

Ben, I sent down our bond, I think we need to return to the crystals. Something feels...

Off? He sent back, concern crinkling his brow even as he continued his discussion with Phamsa.


A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now