Chapter 18

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Same grass. Same waterfall. Same gray dress. Same dream.

I walked along the water's edge, sighing at the sight of the ever-constant landscape. I continued, noticing the stone bench that man had led me to previously. I sat, twirling a stray piece of hair between my fingers as the mist from the waterfall kissed my skin.

"Ah, we meet again, Maeve..." the man approached from behind, seating himself on the bench.

"I guess we do," I replied, shifting to make room for him.

"It appears that you have discovered that the crystals have called to you," he said. I nodded in agreement as he continued, "it is imperative that you locate the hidden archives on Ahch-To. This is the only way for both of you to reach your highest potential."

I turned to him, my eyes resting on the scar on his face, "What are you even going on about? Why won't you tell me who you are?"

He sighed, standing, "It is best that my identity is not revealed."

"Well, I'm sure Ben knows who you are, so I'll j—"

"No," he cut me off, "Ben Solo must not know of our communication. In time, yes, this will be revealed to him. You must make this journey together without my interference. I am simply here to guide you."

He started off, and I closed in behind him, grabbing his shoulder and whipping him around to face me.

"Who are you?" I asked again, enunciating each word.

He pursed his lips, glancing to the side, "Ask him about the helmet. I know you've seen it in his chambers. Ask him, then you shall know."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Fine...But what danger is coming? This is extremely confusing. Why not just warn him yourself?"

At that moment, storm clouds surrounded us, the warmth from the sun dissipating. A sudden screech caused both of us to turn, staring into the field that stretched out in front of us. Darkness encased us both as red streaks of light ignited in the grass. A tall, dark-haired figure stalked forward, a red lightsaber raised above his head.

"Go!" the other man yelled, "Find the balance! Save him!"

I ran as the red sabers followed, blackness shredding the garment from my body as the ground gave beneath me.


The feeling of falling launched me out of my dream state, jolting upright in the bed. I noticed that Ben was no longer in bed, but he had wrapped me in a blanket.

Sweet Supreme Leader...I thought, smiling to myself.

I looked out the window in the room, streams of starlight still flying by. Rising from the bed, I noticed Ben's cape still hanging off the side of the chair. I thought back to the dream I just had, how the man had instructed me to ask him about the destroyed helmet in his chambers. The images of blazing red sabers filled my mind. I couldn't help but wonder what it meant. I desperately needed Ben's guidance on my dreams and visions.

Grabbing Ben's cape from the chair, I wrapped it around my naked form as I headed down the hallway to the cockpit. I paused in the doorway, admiring that beautiful head of raven locks stationed in front of me.

"You know, sweetheart," Ben started, sensing my presence, "it's awfully rude to stand in the doorway." He faced the window, manipulating some controls.

I smiled to myself, holding his cape under my arms, as I crossed to stand next to him. He peered up, smirking.

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum