Chapter 8

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I must've slept longer than I anticipated because when I woke, Ben and both of my Knights were gone. I lazily roamed the quarters, somewhat upset that I had been left alone for the day.

The thoughts of the night before raced through my mind as I walked where the trail of blood had been. Like the dining table incident, it was cleaned up and everything put back to normal. Even the blood that had gotten on the sofa was gone. After I left Ben's room last night, I showered, rinsing his blood from my skin. I thought I would break down once I returned to my room, but I did the opposite. It was as if I was numb.

I had walked so many laps around the rooms that I thought I was going to go insane. I opened the doors to our quarters and there were no Knights guarding them. I had walked the ship enough the last few days that I could get myself to and from our quarters, and I was going stir-crazy.

I returned to my bedroom and decided that I would actually get ready today. I browsed the unending selection of clothes in my closet. Everything from training and workout clothes to elegant gowns hung from the racks. I had worn leggings and tunics since I showed up here, but had never ventured further back. Halfway down the rows, I spotted a black jumpsuit with cape-like sleeves and a cut-out back. I smiled to myself as I felt the fabric and pulled it from the wardrobe.

Styling my hair up and away from my face, I noticed the dark rings that had set in on my eyes, which prompted me to dig in the makeup that was provided in the vanity. I did my makeup simply, but added a dark red lip. Given the back that was absent from the jumpsuit, I opted to go without a bra. I examined my figure in the mirror and slipped on some black pumps. With the way the sleeves fell, it looked like the cape Ben wore.

My heels clicked across the tile as I slightly opened the door to peek out into the hallway. It was still empty. I exited our quarters, securing the door behind me, and headed for the lift. The speed of the lift always caught me off guard, causing me to grab the railing for balance.

I took the usual route that I would walk with Ap'lek and Vicrul, passing the doors to the training facility, infirmary, and the aircraft hangar. I watched from the bay window as ships came and went through the invisible force field that separated the inside of the ship from the vast expanse of space. I thought of myself piloting one of those aircraft Vicrul had called a TIE Fighter and actually became excited by the thought, considering my fear of flying. The irony caused a light smile to play on my lips.

"Enjoying the view, Doctor?"

Hux startled me as he came up beside of me, our shoulders almost touching.

"Hux," I cleared my throat. "Space is beautiful." I kept my eyes locked on the hangar.

"Yes, well, this definitely is a fantastic view." His gaze slid to me. "If you would like to go on a ride in one of the craft, I can arrange that." He smiled, which seemed suspiciously genuine.

"I might like that one day, thank you." I replied, offering a small smile.

"Odd that your usual escorts are not accompanying you today. Might I have the honor?" Hux asked, offering his arm. Even though he was smiling, I could see the unspoken order on his face.

Looping my arm through his, I let him lead me down the various halls of the Finalizer. Stormtroopers stepped to the side as we passed and more than a couple of their helmets swiveled in my direction. Eventually, we stopped in front of a pair of doors that slid open as we approached. Inside, off-duty troopers sat around tables, eating their meals.

"This is the kitchen," Hux said. "While the troops remain in the dining hall, upper leadership, such as myself, have exclusive access to the lounge at the back."

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