Chapter 21

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Coruscant was immaculate. From the buildings to the vehicles to the creatures and individuals that resided there—I had never seen anything so impressive. I practically gawked out the window of the ship as Ben, the Knights, and I approached the palace. Given the altercation I had had previously with the Knights, they didn't really speak on the way down. Not even Ap'lek.

Kuruk piloted the ship to a private landing pad towards the top of the palace. Ben walked ahead of me with the Knights, stopping briefly to speak with Ap'lek and Ushar. I looked out over the balcony completely entranced by this new life—my new normal. My mind drifted to Coop and how he would've killed to experience this.

Are you okay, sweetheart? Ben's voice drifted into my mind as he consulted with the Knights.

Yeah, I replied, just missing Coop...The older scientist I used to work with. He was like a dad to me. He would've loved it here.

I felt love and comfort flood the bond, almost immediately alleviating the sadness I was feeling. I joined Ben at his side as he spoke to Ap'lek.

"You and Ushar will guard our chambers. I have meetings to attend to, unfortunately, so Mae will be left in your care." The two masked men nodded, exiting through our quarters and into the hall with the rest of the Knights.

Ben led me into my new home. If I thought our quarters on the Finalizer were crazy nice, this was an entire new level of luxury I definitely wasn't used to. While the décor was luxurious and the rooms were large and spacious, the one thing that I couldn't get over was the openness of the entire apartment. Large columns stood with white draping that reached from the floor to the ceiling. The heavy fabric slightly swayed with the breeze. There were no walls to the outside, which technically didn't matter given how high up we were. I couldn't help but wonder about the weather.

Ben chuckled, "The weather is consistent on Coruscant, typically the same as it is now every day. However, if we were to need separation from outside," he tapped a code into a control pad on the wall, "we will have it." A forcefield appeared around the wall-less area, immediately stopping the breeze. Ben waved his hand and the forcefield dissipated.

I wrapped my arm through his as he continued to give a tour of the living area. The living room and kitchen was much larger and contained an actual dining room. A spare room sat off to the side next to the room where that mangled helmet was housed. I still never got around to asking him about it like the man in my dream had said. Ben informed me that he had set up a workspace in that room as well with the crystals and the scroll from the Jedi archives. From what he had said, it was going nowhere fast.

The bedroom was gorgeous and each of us had a closet with ridiculous amounts of clothing. Of course, Ben's was all the same shades of black and gray, but mine contained even more gowns, jewels, and shoes than the one on the Finalizer. The droids had moved my other clothing into this closet, and they had placed my white lab coat at the forefront for viewing.

"Holy shit," I said when I entered the bathroom. The tub was literally big enough to swim in. It had fountains on each side and seating towards the front.

"It was just a shower," Ben replied, "but I knew you liked baths, so I had them remodel the bathroom."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pushed up on my tip toes to press a kiss to his full lips, "You're the best, you know that?"

He smirked, "Now I do."

Ben left our quarters for a series of meetings with different generals and commanders that he listed off, but I only recognized Hux's name. He said I was free to wander the grounds and palace as long as I had the Knights to escort. I wondered if people within the palace knew of me—well, Miss Ren anyway. If any of them knew about their Supreme Leader's love interest.

A Dimensional Affair • Kylo Ren x OCWhere stories live. Discover now