Chapter 4

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Driving through  Yokohama, Dazai was planning out what to do in his head. His gaze turned to Chuuya who was sleeping in the back seat, a small smile crept up his face
However, it soon turned to a frown when he thought about the multiple consequences of what might happen.

He sighed softly, as he stopped next to an abandoned building, he glanced through the many shipping containers in front of him. When he eyed a familiar scratch on one of them, he smiled, turned off the engine and got out of the car.

His head spinned and his vision started getting blurry. He groaned and shook his head a few times and gently nudged Chuuya on his shoulder.

Being alert as ever, the ginger woke up immediately but once he glanced at the brunette, he relaxed but he could see through the brunette's acting. He was the only one after all.

"You okay?" The ginger asked worriedly and placed a hand on Dazai's forehead only for his eyes to widen.

"You're burning up. Which shipping container?" The ginger glanced through the containers and Dazai weakly pointed at one of them. He quickly got out of the car and supported the brunette.

"There's a door below the bed, it's a hideout. With your strength, you can pull the bed back to its place." Chuuya nodded, supporting the brunette and walking towards the shipping container.

Kicking open the door, a musky and woody smell came from the dark room. Chuuya pulled the string which switched on the light bulb. Dust swayed in the wind coming in from the door. The ginger let the brunette lean on the inner wall of the shipping container and pulled up his sleeves. Pulling out the bed, he squinted at the dusty floor and only when you observe carefully, he saw a thin outline of a square. He swiped the dust over the square and seeing a small handle, he pulled it with much strength before it budged and opened.

The door creaked and Chuuya looked down at complete darkness.
He checked on the brunette who was  already breathing deeply and was clutching the wound in pain.

The ginger ran towards the car once again, carried the bag in and slammed the shipping container door shut.

Thankfully, he brought a pair of torchlights, he shone the light down to the hole and saw rusty stairs, he thought of how the stairs might break because of both their weight and drop. Despite the light, it was as if there was an endless hole. Be looked back at the brunette and frowned, "Dazai, can you climb down some stairs by yourself?"

Seeing tired caramel eyes staring at him, his eyes softened. Dazai nodded, standing up tight support of his hands and made his way slowly to the hole and climbed down with Chuuya helping him with light. Hearing Dazai shout a short 'done', Chuuya proceeded to hang the bag across his chest and switch pff the light, making him stay in darkness beside the torch light ehich was only the source. He pulled the bed back to its original space, bit the torch and closed the cover over the hole. Climbing down the stairs either a heavy duffer bag and a torchlight in his mouth wasn't easy but Chuuya managed. It was about 60+ steps down when the ginger met the brunette who was sitting on the floor, waiting for him.

The ginger did not waste a second to push another door down there open and found himself in another room with bright light. He thankfully could stand in the surprisingly spacious area. It was nothing he expected. He expected it to be narrow and small, filled with dirt and no light.

Daxai must have made this place for the future just in case something happened. There was a bed, a mini table and a small cannot at the corner of the room with food which was not expired yet. What was best was that there was a sink with clean running water. The ginger had no idea where the water came from.but he wasn't complaining.

Chuuya got to work as he supported the brunette to the bed, placing a wet cloth on Dazai's forehead. By now, the brunette's face was flushed slightly and his breathing became strained.

The ginger's gaze turned to the bandage around Dazai's stomach. He had to get the bullet out.

He didn't have sophisticated medical equipment so he had to be quick. The best choice was....painful.

Hesitating, the ginger fished out a separate dagger from the duffer bag, sterilising it with alcohol as he slowly unwrapped the badanges and tore a bit of the brunette's shirt.

"Take a deep breath for me. This will hurt...alot."

Dazai nodded as Chuuya slowly and carefully pushed the dagger into the wound. The brunette screeched in pain, grabbing onto the ginger's wrist to stop him but Chuuya ignored the pleas to stop and continued digging. Once the bullet was put, everything would be better.

Moving his dagger in a certain angle, the ginger flicked his dagger and the bullet came oozing out of the wound. He quickly used a tweezer to  remove it. Afterwards, he cleaned the wound. It was surprisingly not deep, so there was no need for stitches. Placing gauze over the wound, Chuuya rewrapped new bandages and allowed the brunette lean on a pillow upright.

With very little first aid, Chuuya mentally counted how may day's until they needed to refill.

However, his calculations were broken when he felt a light tug on his sleeves he glanced at Dazai who had a frown etched on his forehead, he must've been in a lot of pain. He immediately turned his attention to the brunette, smiling in a comforting way. Dazai managed a small smile back and pushed a few ginger locks behind his ear.

"Mori-san....what did he do to you?"

Past memories came flowing back into Chuuya's mind as he looked down, resting his head on the brunette's chest instead, being careful not to touch the wound.

"I'm fine..." The ginger replied, jnaoingt hat it was futile to trick his boyfriend.

"It was because of me wasn't it?" There was hesitation and guilt in his voice.

"He wanted to show his authority over both of us..." The brunette continued and his prediction was right, like always.

"It wasn't that. He was just..." The ginger was at the lost of words.

The brunette hummed and he sighed before explaining, "This will be a temporary living space and a last resort if needed. My friend will be picking us up in a few days. I should be fine by then."

Chuuya raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "What friend?"

"You'll know when you meet him. No worries, he's trustable. I knew him before I joined mafia."

The ginger sighed in relief as he nodded, trusting the brunette fully.

The brunette did an epic fail in trying to hug Chuuya. At the end, he hissed in pain when the wound stretched slightly. The ginger chuckled slightly before climbing onto the relatively big bed lying at the opposite side of the bed.

"We'll think about the rest of the plan. Rest for today, you'll get better." Chuuya mumbled, just audible enough for Dazai as he slept on his side

The brunette hummed in agreement.

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