Chapter 13

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The ginger glanced from the corpse to the one who held the gun. His eyes widened as he rushed towards the brunette who hugged the other tightly.

However, after a few seconds into the hug, did the ginger push the other away gently.

"You're wet."

"I don't think I can be dry after swimming 5 meters deep and push myself into this secret hideout." The brunette rolled his eyes and kept his gun.

He pushed a few locks behind Chuuya's ear and smiled warmly at the other.

"How did you find out then?"

Dazai smirked.


"We should start the search again after we get some dinner." The white haired teenager suggested and the brunette was quick in agreeing to that.

"Let's go to the cafe downstairs. I think a good coffee will help vcheer everyone up." Tanizaki was already out of the door, his sister clinging onto him. The other started moving out of the office and Dazai was the only one left.

The brunette quickly followed behind the other but he left the building instead. He made his way cautiously back to the port.

Fishing out his phone from his coat pocket, he laced it on the ground, as close he could get it to the water.

A smirk appeared on his face when he saw a red light blinking away on his phone. He estimated where the position was, closed his phone but left it on the ground. He didn't want to get water lodged into the battery it was a new phone the ADA gave him after he broke his old one so the mafia couldn't track him and Chuuya.

Without hesitation, he jumped in. He swam to the bottom and used his feet to try and navigate his desired location and when his feet hit something metal, he used all his might to kick it open.

It didn't budge. 

The brunette's eyes narrowed as his leg jerked back and in a swift action, he kicked open the metal door and it opened inwards. He hastily swam inside, not being able to hold his breath any longer. Afterwards, like he had predicted, he swam upwards and gasped for air when he finally reached the small gap between the floor and water. He coughed a few times before pushing open the ceiling obstructing him with ease. He pushed himself up, still gasping for air as he clutched his wound absentmindedly. He glanced around the space he found himself before deciding to walk straight and remembering the layout in the same time.


The ginger was not surprised on how smart his lover was. It was expected from the brunette, always a few steps ahead of him. That was probably the fact that Chuuya hated but loved about Dazai. That was confusing but the brunette didn't mind it at all.

Chuckling, Chuuya hugged the brunette again, not caring about the uncomfortable wetness of the other's clothes. There was still slight warmth that he felt from the brunette. 

The ginger let go after a while, much to Dazai's reluctance. Chuuya pointed to the body on the ground behind him, "What do we say to the ADA? You know they have a goal to not kill anyone if possible."

Dazai had no obvious expression on his face. He just bluntly replied, "Just tell them he raped you and wouldn't stop."

Crimson creeped up the ginger's face as he lightly punched the other. Daza smirked, "You can make it more dramatic so they get on your side by saying that he did 'that' to you without your permissio-" Chuuya hit the back of the brunette's head hard. Dazai doubled over, rubbing his head in pain.

"Why did you do that for?" The brunette whined childishly, all seriousness and mischievousness gone from his face. 

Chuuya turned around, not to face the brunette as he clicked his tongue in annoyance, not replying. 

Arms snaked around the ginger's waist in less than a second and that made Chuuya flinch slightly before he relaxed into the grip.

"Don't worry, I'll think of something. You're okay right?" Warmness and concern was in the brunette's tone which made Chuuya's eyes soften. He hummed as a 'yes'.

Dazai slowly kissed up the ginger's neck gently as a apology and Chuuya laughed at it. The ginger pushed the taller away from hi gently before starting to walk, giving the dead body a good kick as he passed by.

The brunette smiled and followed behind, guiding the ginger along to the exit.


"Have you guys seen Dazai?" Kunikida asked as he glanced through the whole café, not seeing the familiar brunette.

"Now that you tell me, I haven't seen him enter the café at all. I thought he had came in first." Atsushi replied, concern plastered all over his face. Despite only knowing the brunette for a few weeks, the teenager had treated Dazai as his mentor since the brunette had cared for him and even gave him constructive advice.

"That mummy must've went back to continue searching for Chuuya." Yasano said as she stood up, ready to head out. 

Speak of the devil, the bell hung on the door rang as a brunette and ginger came walking in, drenched. The blonde quickly rushed towards them. "Where have you been?" His attention turned to Chuuya and his eyes widened, "Are you okay?"

The purple haired lady came into their conversation and quickly checked on the shivering ginger. It had been very cold when they walked to the the cafe. He was currently wrapped in the brunette's beige coat. Chuuya found the colour strange since he always saw Dazai in black. Fukuzawa had given them new uniforms when they had entered the ADA since he wanted to rip them off their mafia colour.

"We've found out the victims and the kidnapper."

The blonde and everyone else quickly turned their attention to the speaking brunette.

"They are in a hidden space underwater. The kidnapper was found dead in the middle of the hallways."

Dazai paused when he felt the slight tug on his sleeve. He side glanced Chuuya for a second before squeezing the ginger's hand slightly and continuing.

"Majority of the victims are alive but some have passed. All of them have a chip in their neck which can set off a bomb in their body. We need to quickly get there and save them to prevent more deaths."

Kunikida nodded, "We'll set off now."

The brunette was about to agree but the blonde stopped him, "Yasano-sensei, Nakahara and you will stay here and keep warm. Dont want you getting a cold."

The brunette's eyes widened as he plopped himself onto the seat nearest to him. That made the blonde look at him concerned, "You alright?" Dazai's mouth parted as he searched for words, "Y-yah, i'm fine. " AN awkward laugh from the brunette made the ginger smile. 

Kunikida glanced at the brunette's face suspiciously before removing the blnket which was on his shoulders that he had taken after they came back and placed it on the brunette's shoulders. That shocked the bruentte more as he glanced surprised at Chuuya who was holding back his lauagh.

He nodded mindlessly to himself as he slouched into the cushion of the seat.

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