Chapter 15

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The seasons passed and time couldn't be stopped. Life is like a pond, the smallest of things cause a whole chain of events. Like a pebble, once dropped into a pond, a ripple appears on the surface. Things underneath at the very depths of the pond, hides secrets that no one will know unless dug up.

It's been 2 years in the ADA. Dazai and Chuuya had been fully working there. The brunette cancelled his initial plan of leaving the ADA after 1 year. He found the ADA different from the mafia. Always having genuine emotions, concern. It was a toal shocker to him at first but he got used to it. Sometimes only the widening of eyes when one of his colleagues shows him an emotion of concern when he least expected it.


The mafia had gotten off their back finally after that bold stunt Dazai did . It probably made Mori scurry back to the mafia base, so scared that he couldn't sleep. That always made Dazai laugh.

The brunette found it not only easier but more efficient to protect himself and Chuuya. The ginger was his top priority, hell, he'll even die trying to save the other. That was his 24/7 job
Dazai had to admit, he wouldn't know what he would do if he lost the ginger.


" okay? You seem dazed." The brunette's eyes morphed into slits slightly before daziq quickly softened them. He smiled as waved his hand, exclaiming, "I'm fine Atushsi-kun, just tired."

The white haired teenager nodded, giving a small smile back to the older. Chuuya, talking to Naomi, caught that small and shot conversations and excused himself as he hurried to the other.


Chuuya had gotten closer to the other ADA members much faster than the brunette of course. Dazai was still cautious, having that wall up, only letting it down for Chuuya. The brunette was rather protective over the ginger, reacting at every contact tye members had with the ginger. Even from giving papers to Chuuya and accidently brushing his finger.

At that time the ginger found it rather comforting to know that Dazai was always Observing, so he'll be safe.

However, months passed and the ginger found it slightly annoying and told the brunette off much to Dazai's sadness. That resulted in alot of apologies and maybe a 'present' from Chuuya to the other.

Dazai learnt when and when not to act. He got the hang of it after a few weeks and Chuuya had his freedom for the day with he rest of the ADA members, which he found sociable and fun to be with.


Chuuya sat beside the brunette, moving his thumb over the other's hand and rubbing circles gently.

"You okay?" The ginger whispered knowing that it was audible enough for the other to hear. The ginger always became concerned when the brunette acted a bit off his usual character. It worries him. This could mena Dazai could be going through something and it easier Chuuya's job to resolve it. Always.

"Fine, just tired." The brunette's eyes narrowed before he gave a peck on the ginger's nose gently.


"Maybe?" The brunette phrased ot as a question but soon nodded, knowing he couldn't hide or lie yo the ginger.

Chuuya sighed, "Want me to tell President?"

Dazai shook his head, determined. But that didn't last long when the brunette leaned his head and rested it on the ginger's shoulder. He started laxing into Chuuya's grip and the ginger's eyes widened, he pinched the other's tie hard. That seemed to do the trick. The brunette immediately shot up and pouted at the ginger for doing that.

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