Chapter 17

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The brunette's eyes fluttered open before widening, "Chuuya!" He exclaimed, gaining Yasano's attention. The purple haired lady quickly went and pushed the brunette back down onto the bed.

"You wake up in half an hour. Ghats fast."

The brunette ignored the comment.

"Where's Chuuya? Can I see him?" His voice more calm and composed now.

Noticing the doctor's hesitation, he looked seriously at Yasano.

"Where's chuuya?"

"Well..." The purple haired lady bit her lip, trying to find the right words.

"Chuuya went missing a few hours ago. He was suspected to he thane by the mafia."

The brunette felt his heart drop as his eyes flashed red. He quickly stood up on his wobbly feet. He felt the stinging pain from his body and he winced.

Yasanoq quickly tried to stop him but stopped when she heard Dazai's change of tone and voice.

"Don't stop me. You don't know what I'll do." With that, Dazai grabbed his coat with was hung on a chair and left the infirmary.

Yasano's arms dropped to her sides as she quickly followed.


Dazai arrived to the mafia base, Yasano following behind, still striving to stop the brunette.

Guards who saw the duo arriving, raised their rifles and weapons at them.

Yasano was ready to drag Dazai away but stopped in shock when the brunette swung his hand to the side and almost immediately, all the rifles were down.

Only then did the purple haired lady realised the dangerous aura surrounding the brunette. As she walked past the guards, she could see them shivering slightly.

She glanced at Dazai's back, who had his coat hung on his arm. Despite the new wound, he was still walking confident and tall. Maybe a little dominating.

She could only follow behind the other for now.


As the younger kicked the ginger in the face, he scoffed.

"You're lucky Boss let you live and didn't shoot you down like the pathetic being you are."

Chuuya coughed as blood dripped down his forehead, staining his ginger hair.

"You've grown so much since I've last seen you, Akutagawa. But it seems your brain size hasn't grown much." Chuuya chuckled weakly before wheezing in pain.

Akutagawa, who had his brows furrowed, yanked Chuuya up by the hair. He stared at the ginger's bleeding face before slamming it into the brick wall behind them.

Chuuya head hung from his neck weakly and only then did Akutagawa stop. He stared in disgust at the other who was chained to the wall.

The wound from the dagger previously had stopped bleeding but still hurt nevertheless.

The younger used his feet to dig it into the ginger's shoulder but he had no response from the other.

The black haired male scoffed and mumbled to himself, "Weak..."


Dazai walked through the hallways of the mafia base, he did not hesitate to kick open the big oak doors, wincing slightly after but still keeping a strong cover up.

"Mori-san, you better tell me where Chuuya is or you won't see the sun tomorrow."

The raven haired, expecting the brunette's arrival, rested his head on his propped up arms.

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