Chapter 7

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The lovers looked at the towering building before them. They never witnessed such a big building at a place where hardly anyone came by.

"The mafia hardly comes here, and it's comfortable for the two of you."

The raven haired smirked, staring proudly at the building. "It was also quite cheap!"

"You rich bastard." The brunette scoffed before smiling.

"Thanks Fyodor."

"No worries. Call me if you need anything." With that, the raven haired waved at both of them and turned to his car, slamming the door and driving away after waving once more.

Dazai sighed and intertwined hands with the ginger, "He's sometimes does a bit too much. But who said that was bad?"

The ginger chuckled, "We'll only be living here temporarily right?"

The brunette hummed, "Depends."

Chuuya snorted and let go of Dazai's hand to walk towards the entrance, much to the brunette's disappointment as he quickly catched up with the ginger, linking their arms.

When they entered, the ginger locked the main door and they were greeted by a large and very spacious living room. However, the first word that came to Chuuya's mind was 'empty'. Fyodor did get them a house but he didn't get the proper furniture to fill up the space.

In the big space, there was two sofas, one coffee table and a lamp. That was all, not including the two shelves attached to the wall.

Chuuya walked to the back of the room, seeing a kitchen island with a similarly big kitchen. Beside the kitchen was a storage room with a few canned and packaged food. The brunette smirked and hummed in content when he saw the guns and other weapons at the back of the room. He specifically requested that from the russian.

The ginger shrugged and went up the stairs, connecting the ground, first, second and third floor.

Now that both thought about it, if anyone did attacked they had many hiding spots do that was an advantage.

The first floor was actually only a big hallway and three rooms only, the hallways spreading in a square. The three rooms were all bedrooms for some weird reason.

However, the ginger had a slight idea why as he glared at the brunette who just smirked at him.

The second floor was another 5 rooms but both of them were too lazy to see what's inside each room and skipped all the adventure and went up to the third and final level. This level was more like the roof, with the ability to open up by a click of a button. There were a few chairs and a table with a vase of flower, most likely there as decoration.

"Not bad."

The brunette hummed in agreement, turning the ginger around and giving a passionate kiss on the ginger's lip. Chuuya smiled, placing another on the other's lip before walking back down to the ground level to retrieve their bag.

Dazai allowed the ginger to go ahead first, admiring the space they had. However, his smile was replaced with a frown as he thought about his next course of action. If his predictions were right, the mafia will be back on their tail very soon. A month, a week? He wasn't sure. He had to plan everything carefully or they'll both end up dead before they can even leave the country.

It was like walking in the middle of war. One wrong step and you might've hit a bomb. He had to be cautious.

His planning seizes when he heard what sounded like a muffled scream. His eyes widened as he quickly shot down the stairs, hands in his pocket where his gun was. That's when he came eye to eye with a familiar mafiaso, the barrel of the gun at Chuuya's temple. 

The brunette cautiously approached as he smiled menacingly, "Hirotsu-san, get your hand off him if you don't want a bullet through your head."

The purple-eyed man let the ginger drop to the floor as Chuuya hastily got up to his feet and rushed to the brunette. Hirotsu kept his gun into his pocket Dazai raised a brow, not letting his gun drop. 

"Where's the rest of the Black Lizard?"

As the commander of the black lizard, he has control over the whole team and is also an executive which made him one of the higher ups in the mafia.

"I'm alone today. Just came to visit you."

Everything in the brunette's mind was turning on.

"To spy on us or assassinate us?" Dazai's finger pressed slightly on the gun trigger as he grabbed Chuuya tighter.

"None of those Dazai-kun. I came here to tell you that boss will be proceeding with his 3 month business vacation to America."

"So, that makes my job much easier."

Dazai's eyes narrowed as his eyes glanced at the older opposite him.

"Boss has signed a paper with..." Hirotsu paused and Dazai sensed something bad will happen.

"The Hunting Dogs..."

Dazai's eyes widened, "You telling me that coward was bold enough to hire The Hunting Dogs?"

"Sad to say but yes. They are now having a mass search at East Yokohama."

The brunette slowly lowered his gun, he was frustrated.

Now, he had to replan everything. He hadn't think Mori had the guts to put boundary on their heads and cooperate with The Hunting Dogs.

"Why tell us. Aren't you our enemy?" The brunette glanced down at the ginger who asked, still hugging Dazai.

A raspy chuckle came from the other, "I am loyal to Double Black. I wish you two well." With that, Hirotsu bid his goodbye and left through a window.

Dazai finally released his tight grip on his lover and let his body relax slightly.

Chuuya just sighed in relief, walking towards their bag to continue what he wad doing before he was held at gun point. Dazai sighed in annoyance as he thought about locations and timing.

Thankfully, they're at West, total opposite of East. However, it's only due time till tithe Huntig Dogs come crashing down their door and search the house.

He had to collect weapons, food and other essentials. He already told Fyodor to ask Ango to clear their criminal records.

"Usually it takes 2 years of staying low before the whole record is clean but I'll make an exception. 3 months. With enough perseverance, I can get it clean in 3 months but you have to can't be seen for those months. Got it?"

The brunette frowned. How could both of them last 3 months without getting caught by one of the most dangerous groups.

He had to focus and think. Chuuya noticed the frustration on the brunette's face and tapped Dazai's shoulder gently, thinking of comforting the brunette.

Dazai swiftly turned his head and Chuuya flinched when he saw Dazai's eyes flash red. The brunette noticing the surprise and slight fear from the other, immediately changed his expression and wrapped his arms lovingly around the older, as if apologising.

The ginger smiled awkwardly, as if finding himself stupid in getting scared at his own lover he has been with for more than 5 years.

He squeezed the skinny younger before carrying the bag up the stairs.

Dazai smiled before sighing softly once again. Thanks to Hirotsu's help, he could now plan and predict in advance. He now has to find a way to escape the Hunting Dogs.

He could ask fyodor for help but there was only that much the russian could do for both of them. He didn't want Fyodor to be a wanted person in Yokohama just because he was helping them.

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