Chapter 14

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Sneezing, the brunette sniffled slightly, pulling the cloth around him tighter. Kunikida was right, it was getting very cold.

Yasano who noticed that, went and checked on him which Dazai just smiled to reassure the other. The purple haired narrowed her eyes suspiciously. The brunette noticed that and cleared his throat.

"Something on your mind?" He asked he other, trying his best to suspect the other. The purple haired lady's eyes slowly softened before it sharpened slightly.

"You just look familiar." 

"Do I?..." Dazai trailed off as Yasano stood up to check on the ginger opposite of Dazai. A frown etched itself onto his forehead. He'll have to be more cautious and alert around this lady. He guessed that she had a connection with Mori and he can say for sure that anyone who knew Mori wasn't good. He'll have to warn Chuuya and keep their distance from her. 

His trail of thoughts broke when he saw Yasano approaching him again. He eyed the other suspiciously. "What happened to your eye?" The purple haired lady asked curiously as she stared at the layers of white bandages covering the male's right eye.

Dazai hesitated to answer but looking at the persistence in Yasano's eyes, he sighed softly to himself. "Bullet wound." He lied with ease, what really happened was a secret to all, he didn't want to think about it either.

A gasp leaved the purpled-haired lady's lips as she reached her hand out only for her arm to be gripped firmly by Chuuya. The ginger just shook his head and Yasano understood immediately. She quickly qpologised to the brunette. Dazai was shocked at her sincerity and waved it off. 

As the doctor left telling the duo that she was getting them such hot chocolate as they waited for the rest of the ADA members to return, Dazai moved to beside Chuuya. The ginger smiled at the other, feeling the brunette remove the thin but slight warmth it gave and placed it over the ginger's legs. 

As the brunette leaned on the other, he could feel Chuuya shivering slightly but trying his best to hide it. Dazai frowned.

He slipped one hand behind the Ginger's neck, making Chuuya flinched slightly. However, after a few seconds, the ginger stopped shivering and leaned into the brunette's body, finally getting comfort which he yearned for. 

Dazai always knew what to do to make him feel better. Unfortunately, their precious moment was interrupted with the blaring ringing of Dazai's phone. The brunette fished out his phone, annoyed as he glared at the screen until his eyes widened as he quickly picked up. Chuuya noticing that, stared worriedly at the other. 

Dazai put it on speaker.

"Dazai! Take Nakahara and Yasano out of the building. The po——is coming. Get out quic-" Kunikdia's voice glitched as the phone at the other side was dead. Dazai quickly supported Chuuya up and quickly dragged Yasano, who had just came down out of the building. 

The purple haired lady looked confused. However, their questions were soon answered when the cafe which they were originally at, bombed up. That made the whole building shake and Dazai's sweared he saw the office at the top moved slightly. He hastily pushed the three of them into a nearby alley way. 

As soon as they took cover, a rapid shooting occured, embedding bullet into every single part of the building. Dazai's eyes widened when he saw a familiar raven-haired step out from the shadows, ordering his men, "I want both of them bought to me. Search!"

The suited men all nodded and started entering the building, the rest starting to search the nearby buildings. It I'll only be a few minutes before they find them.

"Mori..." the brunette and ginger turned to glance at Yasano who was also shocked that the port mafia boss had just bombed their buildings and almost killed them if they had not leaved in time. 

Dazai's eyes narrowed as his hand found itself to his gun in his coat's inner pocket. However, his movement stopped when he saw the intense hatred in the doctor's eyes. Did she hate Mori as well?

Yasano noticing that, chuckled menacingly, "I just have a bone to pick with him. That's all." The brunette smirked. He wasn't the only one who had a deep hatred to that man after all.

However their mutual understanding didn't last long when one of the men caught a glimpse of both of them. He quickly proceeded to approach the trio, calling for the wrest to surround them. Dazai turned to try and find another way out but failed when he saw the numerous guards pointing rifles at them. He could only stay as still as possible. 

"Dazai-kun and Chuuya-kun. Finally found you. Your not only burned one of the black lizard members, you even killed some of my subordinates." 

The brunette pushed the ginger behind him as he put up a confident smirk, "You're just lucky I didn't put a scalpel to your neck when you were sleeping." 

The raven haired chuckled as his hand raised, his attention turned to the lady of the group. "And if it isn't my favourite Yasano-chan. How have you been in the ADA?" 

The purple haired lady smiled, "Much better before you came in." 

"That's good to know." His arm flicked down in one swift moment and the men advanced. 

The brunette clicked his tongue in annoyance when he felt the ginger tug on his coat. He had to think of a plan fast or they're both going to die or get captured by the mafia. Yasano will probably get killed as well and Dazai wouldn't want that. 

He'll lose a gossiping partner he had finally found. 

That's when a few gun shots were heard and the approaching men were shot down to the ground. Dazai looked up and he smirked when he saw another raven head on the roof, pointing a gun and aiming.

Dazai used the chance as he gently pushed Chuuya to Yasano who was already in her fighting stance.  He then took out his gun, pointing it at the surprised mafia boss. 

Mori quickly dodged when Dazai pulled the trigger. 

He immediately retreated as he ran towards one of the mafia's car, the few surviving men following behind him hastily.

A raven haired appeared in front of them after he made sure that the mafia was gone. The brunette smiled as he gave Chuuya a side hug. Yasano was looking suspiciously at the Russian approaching them. 

"Fyodor, you're a life saver."

"That I am. I was going to check on you today but when I saw the building on fire. I got onto the roof." He pointed to the position he was at earlier and Dazai smile became bigger. 

Dazai went closer to the other and lowered his voice so it was only audible to the raven haired. "I have to do something about Mori. Think you can lend me a hand."

Fyodor's eyes narrowed in glee. "Of course... just text me."

With that, the Russian waved goodbye and went off. Yasano glanced at all the dead bodies surrounding them and was at the lost of words. "I guess we have some bodies to bury and a building to be renovated."

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