Chapter 12

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The brunette bit his lower lip anxiously. He was too worried to even think about plans or make any predictions.

If he lost Chuuya, he's going to take a swan dive off a roof. Kunikida, noticing the fear in Dazai, patted the other on the shoulder in a comforting way.

"Don't worry, Kenji is already trying to search for Chuuya. We won't leave until we find him."

The brunette just nodded, he suddenly could feel the aching feeling on the wound that was already nearly healed, thanks to Chuuya.

His eyes narrowed before it flashed red. He stood up, pulling the blanket which Kunikida gave him along as he went next to Kenji, who was about to dive again to search for a Chuuya.

"Kenji-kun, I need you to help me plant something underwater."

"Is it something harmful?"

The brunette sighed softly, "Nope. Just attach it to the sea bed."

The blonde nodded enthusiastically and took the small object in his hand before eiging underwater, he placed it where Dazai said and swam back up to inform the other.

Dazai put up a small smile, "Thanks Kenji-kun. It think it's getting late and you must be cold."

The brunette took the towel which was wrapped around him and wrapped it around the teenager.

He smiled warmly, "Let's head back and get you warmed up before we continue the search."

Kenjiz obviously heartened by Dazai's motherly attitude, smiled back and nodded and went and told the other ADA members.

"Are you sure, Dazai? We can continue searching."

The brunette shook his head, "Chuuya's strong, he's not dead. We better regenerate ourselves before we continue."

The other's hesitated but nodded reluctantly. They all quickly went back to the office to get themselves ready to start the search again.

As the ginger's eyes fluttered open, Chuuya coughed a few times, feeling that his throat was raw.

He glanced around his dim surroundings and only then did he felt his back against the cold hard concrete floor.

Memories started flooding back to him. He was trying to get out of the water.

The water?

Why was he lying on a concrete floor?

He sat up slowly, knowing he had thankfully no injuries, he stood. Up on his wobbly legs to find himself in a confined room.

Still wet from swimming around, Chuuya felt a shiver go down his spine. He was cold as his shirt and pants stuck to his skin in an uncomfortable way. His hair was messy and some strands stuck to his forehead.

He glanced around the dim,empty room but saw nothing but walls and a door which was most likely locked. He didn't have to check. There was a light buln above him and his main concern was rather it was going t explode. It looked old. He'll just have to wait and see if he had an opportunity to escape.

That's when he heard approaching footsteps echo and a hand grabbed the door knob from outside, unlocking it and twisting it open ever so slowly. The creaking sound echoed in the whole room. Chuuya braced himself to whoever was entering.

He was only met with a white haired male who was smiling at him. Shivering from the cold, Chuuya inched backwards from the other.

The white haired male just followed suit by moving closer to the ginger. It was a matter of seconds before the  stranger closed the distance between both of them.

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