Chapter 19

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Chuuya sat in his chair silently. Kouyiu, who had joined him as beside him, looking rather solemn as well.

Fukuzawa had sent a search team to check if Dazai was alive under the remains of the destroyed port mafia building.

Mori Ogai, port mafia boss, confirmed dead. It seems that Dazai had planned the bomb to be placed so many could escape,limiting only Mori and him to be trapped. A handful of guards were found injured, everyone else survived.

The strange thing was that Mori's corpse was found but not Dazai. If he had been in the same room with the raven-haired, why couldn't they find the brunette's body. Only Dazai's blood was found after they quickly extracted the DNA from the blood, confirming it was the brunette's. Fukuzawa claimed that there was a possibility that Dazai might've tried to leave before the whole building crashed on him, leaving only the blood. Therefore, they were searching every small gap in between the concrete. Ango had gotten his group of highly skilled and trained subordinates to the scene to try and help as well. 

He had learnt about the death of Oda and was filled with great despair. He had lost a close friend to him. So, he was trying his best, hoping for the best and find a alive and breathing Dazai somewhere. 


The ginger but his lip before sighing and massaging his temples. He was getting a headache from worrying. He didn't know when but he started shivering. Not from the cold but fear. How long has he've been scared.

He forced himself to stop, Dazai will be fine. He did tell him he would be abcm before he knew it. The brunette must've made a backup plan to escape. He couldn't leave him alone. He couldn't.

He wouldn't have.

Chuuya exhaled out slowly, he has to stay calm.


The search continued all the way till night and Kouyou had to drag and persuade Chuuya to go back home and come back the next day to continue the search.

After much persuasion, Chuuya finally made his way back, slowly to his apartment. When he did arrive, he unlocked the door, to be greeted with darkness and coldness. He wasn't used to this. Dazai was always with him. He was...alone. Really alone this time. That struck him, he was going to be alone, by himself. 

Chuuya's lower lip quivered as he went into the apartment, dropping his bag and hanging up his coat. He hoped for a miracle.


A miracle did came.

As Chuuya walked through the hallways, walking into the bedroom. All he wanted to do was to lay down and probably not wake up. He rather be dead then be in a world where th love of his life was dead before him.

What made the ginger stop in his tracks was that there was a figure on the bed. Chuuya's eyes widened as he fished out the gun that was left on the night stand. 

A mafiaso entered their house, was he or she waiting to assassinate Dazai or him but got interrupted? 

Chuuya finger hovered near the gun trigger as he cautiously approached the figure, whose face was covered by shadows. By the conasyant moving of the figure's chest, he was asleep? 

The ginger found it unbelievable. When he was an assassin, if his victim didn't arrive on time or even arrived a few hour seaway from the specific time, he never....slept. He hid in the shadows  in silence until the victim came.

Was this man an assassin or someone who broke in because they were sleepy? A homeless man maybe? Chuuya grimaced at that thought but never did he released his grip on the gun. That's was when something hit him. The moonlight was reflected off a turquoise pendant, attached to a brown ribbon...

Only...Chuuya immediately dropped th stun, rushing over. He was right. A familiar brunette's face, slightly tougher up was in Chuuya"s view. The ginger collapsed to his knees, mumbling thanks to all the gods above. 

"Osamu, wake up..." he muttered softly, as if scared that he might miss the softest of words.

No response.

The ginger quickly ran out of the apartment, excited to tell the other of the miracle that had just happened.


Osamu, can we go already?” The ginger, obviously irritated, was already leaning against a wall, about to fall. 

“Sorry love. Just a few more papers.” The brunette chuckled as he skimmed through the tiny words on the stack papers, which were relatively important. 

Chuuya stared in annoyance as he watched the brunette, sat down on the leather chair, flipping through endless piles of unsigned papers. The ginger was already fidgeting, the last patience vein snapped as he approached the brunette’s table and slammed his hand down, which made the brunette jerk slightly and a few papers to move from their original place.

The ginger did not hesitate to pull the brunette up and drag him away from the desk which was crowded with paper and exclaimed, “That’s it, we’re going. My starvation is more important than you stupid paperwork.” 

The brunette, already being dragged, looked unsure about Chuuya’s rash decision but he couldn’t say no to the shrter. So, he just sighed in content, intertwining hands with the ginger as they made their way out of the office.

They met a silver haired man along the way and the brunette just smiled, "Nice to see you, President!"

Fukuzawa slowly stopped in his tracks as Chuuya bowed respectfully to the other.

The silver haired chuckled softly, "Funny you two still call me President when you two are the bosses of the port mafia."

Dazai joined in the short laughter as he smiled, "Respect is given, not deserved."

The brunette's eyes glanced to the ginger who was impatiently pulling on his sleeve. His smile became bigger as he continued, "I guess you're meeting Atushsi-kun? He's int he training room with Ryuu. We'll be on our way."

With that, Dazqi waved goodbye to the other and Fukuzawa found himself smiling, which was a rare thing.

"The mafia is in new light now..." he mumbled to himself as he walked to meet Atsushi.

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