Chapter 5

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"Thankfully, your fever is dying down." The ginger smiled lightly before stretching. This whole hideout room wasn't all bad. It was spacious and clean. The ventilation wasn't the best but both of them could manage.

The brunette snaked his arm around Chuuya's waist and pulled him closer which the ginger laughed at Dazai's clinginess.

His wound was healing rather slowly but it was at least getting better. The ginger turned around to hug the brunette back.

Knowing all the consequences that laid ahead of them,Chuuya had to admit, he was getting anxious and a slight bit scared.

Who wouldn't be?

Dazai and him were getting hunted by the port mafia. Knowing Mori, he was probably going to kill Chuuya and force Dazai back into the mafia. Thinking of what might Mori do to Dazai already made Chuuya had a headache.

They could do this.

They just had to be brave.

His negative train of thoughts were broken when the brunette blew air on his ear, shocking him slightly. He glanced up at Dazai's caramel eyes. He always loved those eyes. He could get lost in those brown irises.

He smiled and gave a small and soft peck on the brunette's lip. Dazai smiled brightly. The ginger chuckled once again. His lover always loved attention. He's so touch starved because he doesn't even allow anyone to touch him.

Chuuya never minded it either. He was willing to give the love and attention the brunette needed to make it up for those lonely years Dazai had been all alone, before they met.

The brunette pushed the ginger down to the bed, kissing every inch of the ginger's face, making Chuuya give out a raspy laugh.

"Osamu, stop, you're injured." The ginger said, grabbing those thin, pale wrists away from his shoulders and pinned it to the wall, giving one last kiss to the brunette's forehead before letting go.

"Chuuya's serious." The brunette said childishly.

The ginger scoffed as he rolled his eyes, "I'm not." Not sure what else to retort, he just left it at that.

Dazai chuckled, shaking his arms around the ginger again, resting his chin at the crook of Chuuya's neck and smiled. 

The ginger smiled back, sighing and ruffling Dazai's head. 

Their sweet and comfortable moment stopped abruptly as they both a muffled knock on the shipping container above them. The brunette's grip became tighter as both of them waited in silence. That's when the knocking resumed but in a rhythm. The ginger arched a brow as he listened carefully. Dazai sighed in relief and gave Chuuya a kiss on his temple before opening the door to climb back up to the dark shipping container. 

The ginger followed suit after Dazai climbed up all the stairs. Turning on the light, the brunette opened the metal door with a loud creak. Chuuya leaned against the wall as he got a glance of a raven haired. 

A smile flashed on the brunette's face as he welcomed the stranger into the shipping container. Amethysts shifted to face the ginger and a small smile appeared on his face as he waved at Chuuya who awkwardly waved back. 

"Dazai, I got a temporary place for you to live with your friend. I'm still trying to figure out what to do for the second part."

"How's the mafia?" Dazai asked, leaning on the small table behind him as Chuuya went to close the door. 

"Don't even get me started, the mafia is all around Yokohama. They set spys everywhere. They probably want both of you dead."

Dazai sighed, "Seems that it won't be that easy. Chuuya and I are not going to survive for even 1 year." A frown etched itself on the brunette's face.

"I'll help you financially but survival skills are up to you two."

"Thanks again, Fyodor."

Noticing the confusion and curiosity on the ginger's face, Dazai chuckled, "Chuuya, this is Fyodor Doestvesky, he's that friend I was talking about."

The ginger nodded slightly, as he bowed respectfully at the other who just smiled. 

"Dazai, i like him, he's polite."

The brunette rolled his eyes, walking towards the ginger and hugging him from behind, "He's mine, back off."

A chuckle came out of Fyodor's mouth, "I was joking."

Dazai snickers and lets go of the ginger. 

"So when can we move in to that new place. The hideout here is getting pretty stuffy."

Fyodor smirked, "Right now if you want." The brunette's eyes lit up.  "I got everything set up. Heard that you had a bullet wound, you okay?" 

Dazai just merely nodded, "Chibi helped me bandage it up." The brunette gave a small peck on the Ginger's lip as a silent 'thank you'. 

The raven haired smiled, "That's good to know. So, you have everything packed up?"

The brunette, "Just give us a moment."

"Well, I'll be waiting at my car." 

Fyodor opened the door with much strength and closed it back again, leaving it slightly ajar. Chuuya stayed above while Dazai packed all their stuff into the same duffer bag and carry it up slowly, his stomach was still aching because of the wound. Once near the top, he grabbed the bag and lifted it over his head for the ginger to carry it. Afterwards, Dazai closes the door and pushed the bed back into place.

Switching off the light, Dazai intertwined hands with Chuuya and left the shipping container and closed the door of the shipping container properly. He saw Fyodor pointing at the backseat of his car. Both quickly and hastily got into the car.

Fyodor started the engine and drove out of the port. They hit the road and the raven haired pointed behind them. The brunette glanced behind his shoulders and he scoffed. He passed Chuuya a hoodie and sun glasses and he took took another pair out from the bunk.

"Won't it look suspicious?" The brunette asked the driver, scrutinising the disguise they were given.

"Don't worry, the poet mafia will think you're high authority people." The raven haired waved his hand in the air to assure both of them.

Both wore the disguises and the ginger stifled a laugh when he looked at the brunette.

"Sunglasses don't look good on you!" Chuuya commented as Dazai rolled his eyes, "Nothing looks good on you, Chuuya." He retorted and snickered when he saw the ginger glare at him throught he sun glasses.

That's when Fyodor gave them a signal to keep quiet. RChuuya glanced at the window beside him and his eyes widened, he quickly looked down, gripping onto his pants tightly.

Beside their car was Tachihara on a motorcycle. It looked like he was looking out for something, probably both of them. The red haired glanced at the car beside him and his eyes narrowed. Dazai landed his chin on his hand and related it on the other side of, looking out of the window. The brunette's hand squeezed the ginger's in a comforting way. Seeing that Tachihara shrugged and looked at the Road opposite of them, Chuuya sighed in relief.

That's when he traffic light turned green and Fyodor started driving again, Tachihara speeding past them. However, Chuuya wasn't alert and his hoodie slipped down a bit, showing off his ginger hair. Tachiahara outside caught a glimpse of it and slowed down to get beside Fyodor's car. He knocked on the window and Chuuya cursed softly.

Fyodor glanced at the brunette who gave him a signal. He pulled up his own hoodie to cover his face and opened the window for Tachihara.

"Sorry sir, can you please let me see you face?"
The ginger bit his lip and hesitated. Tachihara raised a brow and raised his hand to to touch the era piece in his ear. Dazia reacted quickly, taking out a gun and shot.

Tachiahar barely missed it as he flew past him.

"Step on it!" Dazai exclaimed as Fyodor stepped onto he gas, swerving to get out of Tachihara's sight
The red haired clicked his tongue, "Got them, road 3 left." He shouted into his earpiece, quickly catching up to the car.

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