Arthur: Video Phone

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"Look at his little pecker! Aw, it can't even hurt a fly so I don't know what the fuck she's moaning about," Duncan snickered.

"Why does it look like that? Hey, Artie! Your dick needs some sun!" added Liam.

Arthur, who was in his bedroom with rock music blasting in his ears, knew that his brothers were making fun of him. He sighed to himself, wondering why they couldn't just leave him alone. 

Dylan, the youngest of the triplets, walked into the room. "Oh dear, that's enough you two. He already feels like shit, so I think we should cool off on the teasing." 

Duncan and Liam rolled their eyes, but reluctantly agreed. "Aw, come on. We're just messing with him," said Duncan. 

"Wait, Dunny. He's probably listening to music again," Liam said, gesturing to Arthur's closed bedroom door. 

Arthur's phone beeped with a new text message. It was from his brother Liam. 

Spotted red dick- Mrs. Bells said to stop moping and get your arse out or she'll force feed you

Me- Suck a dead man's cock

Spotted red dick- At least it'll be bigger than yours. Come out now, Dunny is getting ready to break your door again

Arthur sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. His door was replaced not even a month ago from their last fight. He opened the door and only saw Liam with a smirk, he had been duped and it's too late now.

"Did you really think that we would have you and Duncan in the same room so close to each other?"

"Can't they just bring dinner upstairs?"

"Arthur. Look, we all do stupid shit. It's not really a big deal in the long-run."

"What you're talking about is like getting caught smoking or skipping classes, not a goddamn sex tape."

"It's high school, people getting their nudes leaked is a daily occurrence. I hardly think anyone would still be talking about it after a week."

"Yeah, but it'll last a whole century with you guys."

"Nah, a decade at best. Don't worry, things can only go up from here."

"You sound like Peter now."

"Why thank you, I try my best."

Dinner was quiet. Elina and Paul didn't quite know how to tackle the elephant in the room. For now, they preferred silence over the risk of further embarrassing their son.

They'll bring it up at a later and more appropriate time.

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