Ming-Yue 2: Hotspot

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Another day, another argument. Ralph has been really irritable for the last couple of weeks, and he refuses to elaborate any further on why. It's unlike him to be so distant but she'll deal with that at a later date.

For now, it's time for her regularly scheduled program of watching her schoolmates' terrible lives. She crawled into the vent near a vending machine, taking her time as to not make too much noise. Her first location was the girl's bathroom.

Ming-Yue listened in as a group of girls mindlessly chat about the going-ons in the school. How reckless of them. It's nice to know that no matter how many people get their secrets exposed left and right, they will still provide her entertainment.

"Elang is so weird, I can't believe he has a crush on him," one of them said.

"Oh come on, Emil doesn't look so bad," another replied.

"Yeah, he just looks like he'll gut you if you so much as breathe too loudly," a third added.

Ming-Yue listened for a few more minutes until the girls left. It wasn't very interesting, but it would do as a palate cleanser. Next, she made her way to the boys' changing room, or as she liked to call it, 'the hotspot.'

"Sports at 7:30 in the damn morning, what a pain in the arse!" one boy complained.

"It's nice to see you as lively as ever, Liam. Calm down, at least we don't have track today," another replied.

Ming-Yue was already getting bored when she heard someone shout out of nowhere. She perked up at the sudden drama unfolding before her. The boys began to argue back and forth, with insults being hurled left and right.

"Why don't you say that to our faces if you're so brave!? Instead, you put pill bottles on our lockers like a passive-aggressive pussy!" the boy shouted.

"Jesus, Mikkel. Calm down," Berwald sighed. "It's too early for this."

"Listen to your friend, Densen. I heard that the gays make good life coaches," a boy said.

"Imagine being so starved of affection that you have to rely on the gay guy for the attention that your father clearly doesn't give you. I won't suck your dick, Hector. You're not my type," Berwald added.

The stunned silence was cut off by someone laughing, much louder than anyone expected.

"Oh, shit!" Abel laughed. "Even tall, dark, and scary roasted you like a pig!"

The changing room erupted into laughter as the boy packed his locker in embarrassment until his foolish pride made him say something he would come to regret.

"At least my mother doesn't survive off of booze and pills," he spat.

The silence cut through the laughter like a sharp knife. Mikkel and Berwald exchanged a knowing look, bracing themselves for what was to come.

Henrique's eyes widened. "Oh shit."

"Francis, get the coach now," Liam said worryingly.

"Can you repeat that? I didn't hear you," Abel said, trying to play dumb.

"You heard what I said, or did your mom hit you in the head one too many times again?" Hector snapped.

Hector barely had any left time to finish the statement before he found himself on the floor with a busted lip. The beating didn't end there as another fist connected to his face more times as his classmates tried to intervene in vain.

"Stop it! Leave him alone!" Emmanuel shouted, trying to pull Abel away from Hector.

But Abel was too far gone in his rage to listen. He kicked and punched at Hector, until Emmanuel and the others were finally able to pin him against the lockers.

"Stop it! He's barely conscious!" Emmanuel shouted, his voice filled with concern.

The coach appeared on the scene, running over to the injured boy. "Livingston, can you hear me? Bonnefoy, call the nurse!" he shouted, trying to assess the damage.

Ming-Yue cursed as her phone couldn't get the right angle, but she knew she had to document this for the blog. No matter, she'll just have to write it down with help from her memory and her notes. The recording, despite it only showing their giant feet, could aid to substantiate the claims.

It took a while, but the wait was definitely worth it.

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