Ming-Yue 5: Blood//Tears

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It was Friday night, and Ming-Yue was sitting on the edge of her bed, scrolling through her phone. She was feeling restless, as she had just broken up with her boyfriend, Ralph. The reason for their break-up was fresh in her mind, and it was enough to make her blood boil.

Ralph had cheated on her with Amelia Jones, a woman whom they both knew. Ming-Yue felt so betrayed that she had started arguing with Ralph the moment he had walked in through the door.

As Ralph sat on the couch, Ming-Yue glared at him and spoke through gritted teeth, "How could you sleep with Amelia fucking Jones of all people!? How could you!?"

Ralph let out a heavy sigh. "Look, I know this isn't working, you know this isn't working. It's time for us to go our separate ways. Yes, I slept with her. Multiple times. In fact, we had a date yesterday."

Ming-Yue's eyes widened in shock, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. "So, that's it, huh!? That's how three years of a relationship is going to end!?"

"I'm sorry, Ming, but we've been miserable. I'm doing this because I want both of us to move on," Ralph replied, his voice calm and collected.

"Bullshit! You're doing this because it became public!" Ming-Yue retorted, her voice rising in anger.

"Will you keep your bloody voice down? People are hearing us," Ralph said, looking around the apartment.

"Oh!! You want me to keep my voice down!? How about this!? Mikkel fucked me right where you're standing!" Ming-Yue screamed, her voice echoing through the apartment.

"What?" Ralph furrowed his brows, not believing what he had just heard.

"And on the couch, on the bed, in the shower! We blessed this entire floor!" Ming-Yue continued, not caring about the neighbors who could hear their argument.

"You're just drunk," Ralph laughed, trying to calm the situation down. "You're not in your right--"

"Do you want the dick pics to prove it!?" Ming-Yue interrupted him, pulling out her phone to show him the evidence.

His heart sank, and his eye twitched.

"How about you ask the neighbors what they hear every Friday night!? It's certainly louder than what you ever made me do!!" She continued.

Ralph stood up, feeling like he might do something that he'll regret.

"Where are you going!?" Ming-Yue followed after him. "This discussion is not--"

"Yes, it fucking is," Ralph growled as he made his way out.

The door slammed with so much force that the walls shook. Ming-Yue collapsed on the floor in tears, feeling the weight of the situation. She knew that this was the end of their relationship, and she felt the emptiness that comes with heartbreak.

Ralph stormed out of the building, feeling a mixture of anger and betrayal that he had never experienced before. He had always thought of Mikkel as a good friend, a reliable co-worker, and a valuable teammate on their soccer team. But now, he felt like everything was a lie. He saw his friend Toby's car parked in the lot, and he hurried over, grateful for the distraction.

"Hey, mate," Toby said, rolling down the window. "You okay? No stab wounds?"

Ralph got into the passenger seat, slamming the door shut.

Toby's face fell. "What happened?"

"You know the situation with Amelia. I wasn't the only one cheating. She fucked Mikkel, said they did it everywhere in the apartment, even on the spot where we were standing." Ralph explained, his voice heavy with anger.

Toby's eyes widened. "Mikkel? Dude, that's messed up. You must be feeling terrible right now."

"I am," Ralph said, taking a sip of beer. "I messed up our relationship, and now it's over."

Toby put a hand on Ralph's shoulder. "You'll get through this. It'll be tough, but you'll make it."

"How could he do this to me?" Ralph asked. "I trusted him. I thought he was my friend."

As he sat in the passenger seat, he replayed the scene from earlier in his head. Ming-Yue's words still echoed in his mind, taunting him with her brutal honesty.

"Mikkel fucked me right where you're standing!"

Ralph felt a seething anger building up inside of him. How dare Mikkel betray him like this? He had always thought of him as a friend, someone he could trust. But now, he realized that he had been wrong all along.

He had trusted Mikkel, and now he felt like he didn't know him at all. He knew that he needed time to process everything and figure out what he wanted to do next. But one thing was for sure - he felt a seething rage towards Mikkel that he wasn't sure he could ever overcome.


Ming-Yue has a nightly routine that involves eating a light dinner, taking a shower, talking to her cousin, writing in her journal, and then falling asleep to music. She values this time alone to recharge and reflect on her day. However, tonight is different.

Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, she decided to order greasy takeout and binge-watch Hulu instead of her usual light dinner. She texted her cousin, letting them know she had a headache and couldn't talk tonight. She didn't want to burden her cousin with her problems and decided to keep the truth about her ex to herself. She knew her family could be unpredictable and didn't want Ralph to get hurt.

Ming-Yue took an extra-long bath, hoping to soak away the pain and sorrow she was feeling. As the hot water ran down her back, she couldn't help but feel like she deserved to feel this way after all she did. "Maybe this is what karma is..." she drifted off. "An is right, I'm a useless object."

After some time of self-loathing, Ming-Yue applied her face cream and readied herself to cry herself to sleep when she heard a knock on her door. She wondered who it could be at this time of night. Not wanting to take any risks, she decided not to answer the door.

"Hello! I have three pad thais and two chocolate fondants for you!" The delivery person called out.

Ming-Yue was confused. "There must be a mistake," she said. "I didn't order anything at this time."

"I see," the delivery person said. "But it was paid for by someone named Ralph."

Ming's heart sank. "That fucking child of a man," she thought. She didn't want to accept the food, but she didn't want it to go to waste either. "I'm sorry, but there's been a misunderstanding-"

Before Ming could finish her sentence, she heard a loud bang and felt a searing pain in her chest.

She collapsed to the ground, clutching her chest in shock at what had just happened. She tried to run away, but a second bullet hit her in the back, causing her to fall again. The last thing she saw was a picture of her and her cousins in a family picture before it faded to black.

"Kuro, help..."

It was a tragic end to a routine night that turned out to be anything but.


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