Elizabeth 4: High-Alert Call

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"Liza, I know this is hard for you but we have to approach this carefully," Felix said, his tone serious.

"I understand that, but I can't believe it's Eduard," Elizabeth replied, her voice shaking with anger.

"The IP address doesn't lie. We have our man," he said confidently.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. "When I get my hands on him, I'll shove his glasses so far up his ass that-"

"Wait," He interrupted. "We have reason to suspect that he isn't the mastermind. It would be nearly impossible for him to know that much about so many people in such a short amount of time. There has to be a leaker."

"How are you going to find that out?"

"For now, I want you to keep this between us. Me and the guys have something big planned. I think that you'll like it. I just need a favor from you."

"If it involves me kicking the shit out of him, it's not an issue," Elizabeth said, her anger still evident.

"Can you ask Ludwig if it's possible for us to make a morning announcement next week? If not, can Roderich get the auditorium for us?" Felix asked.

"What are planning, Fefe?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"We're going to teach him what happens when you fuck with our friends," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

"Then count me in, I'll see what I can do," she said, determination in her voice.

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