Ming-Yue: Fun

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If you asked Ming-Yue what her hobbies were before the school year began, it would be: listening to J-pop, drawing the cute boys at her schools, watching the birds fly, and journaling her inner thoughts.

Fast-forward to this week, she can add an extra one: spying on people from inside of the vents.

You see, thanks to her "munchkin body" as her cousin likes to say, she can fit into even the tightest of spaces. This allowed her to listen in on conversations that one would think could only exist in a high school drama series.

Some juicy gossip ranging from infidelity to secret abortions, and her personal favorite: gay or on drugs?

To think that all of this happened because she kicked the vent out of anger over her and Ralph getting into an argument. The vent hadn't been installed properly, and she just so happens to be the only one who knows about it.

She even has a special journal dedicated to all of it. Who needs cable when you have this?

Today was a particularly juicy day, and she knows exactly who she needs to tell.

"Hey Eddy, it's your favorite girl here!" 

"What do you want, you she-devil!?" 

"I have some sweet deets for your blog." 

"Haven't you done enough!? Don't you know what happened to Berwald!?" 

"Come on, people were going to find out he's gay sooner or later. Rumor has it that he never had sex with any of his girlfriends because he couldn't get it up." 

"This has gone too far! We've already ruined relationships, and someone is fighting for their life in the hospital!" 

"Eduard, you have to post it, that's final. Unless you want me to spill the beans about where Raivis goes every day after school. Alexa, play Rehab by Amy Winehouse."

Ming-Yue could hear a long silence on the other end of the line before Eduard finally spoke.

"What's the scoop?"

"I overheard Mikkel Densen in the boy's bathroom. He was talking about visiting his mom at the Castries Mental Wellness Center on his way to work."

"Wait, what? Are you sure about this?"

"Google Maps says the area has two hospitals - a pediatric one and a psychiatric center. I'll let you decide which one is more probable."

Eduard let out a frustrated sigh. "Why are you doing this, Ming? This is beyond messed up."

Ming-Yue didn't miss a beat. "Because it's fun, Eddy. Now, take out a notebook. We'll be here for a while."

Eduard hesitated before responding. "I can't keep doing this. It's gone too far."

Ming-Yue's tone turned cold. "You don't have a choice, Eddy. You're in too deep now."

"I can't just ruin people's lives for fun, Ming. This isn't right."

Ming-Yue scoffed. "Please, Eddy. You're acting like we're murderers or something. We're just providing some entertainment. Now, are you going to take notes or what?"

Eduard sighed heavily, resigned to his fate. "Fine. Tell me everything."

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