Elizabeth 3: Confession

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Elizabeth sat across from Ralph at the fast-food joint, her eyes fixed on him as he fidgeted in his seat. She could tell he was nervous, despite his attempts to maintain his usual cheerful demeanor. She took a bite of her fries, waiting for him to speak.

"Why me? Why not Toby? Alfred? Even Kiku? You know, your close friends?" She asked.

"I want a girl's perspective on how to handle this," he replied.

"Fair enough. So, you've fallen out of love with her? When and how did it start?" Elizabeth replied.

"Two months ago. Have you ever felt like...the person who you're with just isn't the same anymore?" Ralph asked, his leg shaking under the table. "Like...there's been a shift and things aren't the same? I don't even understand it myself but it's like-" he trailed off.

"Does she say or do things that don't make you laugh anymore? Do you feel drained by her presence? When she talks, do you just shut down?" Elizabeth interrupted, her interest piqued.

"Yes! All of it. It's like she's-" Ralph replied, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Immature? She reminds you of a past self that you want to leave behind?" Elizabeth finished for him.

"Can you read minds!?" Ralph exclaimed.

"No, but I can see what your issue is. You've outgrown your relationship. It's only natural because you two were together since what? Freshman year? It's just a part of life, Ralphie," Elizabeth explained.

"Thank God, I thought that I was just being a proper dickhead. So, how do I handle it?" Ralph asked, looking relieved.

"As a girl, and if I was Ming, I'd want my boyfriend to tell me to my face. It doesn't make sense to stay in such an unhappy situation because both of you run the risk of taking out your frustrations on one another," Elizabeth advised.

Ralph looked down at his empty plate and let out a long sigh. 

"You're already at that stage, aren't you? It's time to let her go," Elizabeth added.

"I...can't but I want to. I really want to but I can't," Ralph replied, his voice serious.

"Ralph, I know that it will be painful but-" Elizabeth started.

"It's not about that," Ralph interrupted. "You don't know Ming. She'll never agree to this."

"What are you talking about? Is she like those obsessive types?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'll put it like this; the Ming that you and the school knows and the Ming that I know are two very different people," Ralph explained.

"If that's the case, I would advise you to break up with her in a public place and preferably with a friend closeby. At least you would have some moral support and it lessens the chances of you getting the shit slapped out of," Elizabeth suggested.

"Change that to stabbed and you'll be closer to the truth," Ralph replied, his expression serious.

Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock, and she let out a nervous laugh. She had expected a joke from Ralph, but his expression never changed.

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