Francis 4: Condolences

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Francis walked through the school halls, feeling the weight of pitying glances from his classmates. He knew that just a few days ago, he was known as the eccentric crossdresser, but now everyone seemed to be offering their condolences for his loss as an orphan. He made sure to use eyedrops regularly to keep his eyes and face wet to keep up the facade. As he passed someone, he would make a show of crying harder for bonus pity points.

As he walked, he noticed that he wasn't the only one going through the death of a parent. The Janssens siblings were noticeably absent, and Francis had already sent his condolences. He knew that despite how poorly their mother had treated their older brother, they still loved her in some way. Luca had told him that it was Abel who had found her, and Francis knew that witnessing that would be traumatizing for anyone. He thought about visiting Luca later, but he also had to keep up the act.

Despite his heartbreak, it felt good to catch a break from the bullying he had endured. He was now living with the Kirklands, at least for a while since he needed to go to school, and Duncan had used his charm to convince them to take Francis in. Living with his boyfriend was the best of both worlds, and he relished in the fact that he could piss off Arthur whenever he wanted. The only downside was having to keep up the pretense that he was heartbroken over his father's death, when in reality, he couldn't have cared less.

The bell rang, signaling that it was time for geography class. As he made his way to the classroom, he noticed a flyer on the bulletin board. The design made it clear that it wasn't from the school, and there was no specification about what the announcement was. "How odd," Francis thought to himself. "Is this a prank? It couldn't be, since the student council would have to authorize it, and Ludi is a hardass when it comes to these things."

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