Abel 4: Garage

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Warning: mentions of suicide!

Abel did something that he nor his family ever thought that he would do. He willingly packed his bags and made the active choice to stay with his mother for two days. This isn't because he cares about her, those feelings are long gone. This is simply to inspect the premises to see if she's fit to be a mother.

As Abel and his mother entered the house, she immediately complained about the color of his car and his haircut. He brushed it off and tried to make small talk, "So, how have you been, Mom?"

"I've been alright. Just trying to keep the house clean and in order."

Abel observed the house, it was extremely neat which didn't surprise him at all, he has to get his obsessive cleanliness from somewhere. He noticed wine bottles on the counter, but it doesn't seem like she's drinking as much as before.

"I heard that you were suspended? You mind telling me what for?" asked his mother.

"Fighting," Abel replied.

"Oh, really now? That would've never happened if I was around,"

"You're right, because I'd be in a mental asylum instead," he retorted.

"Watch it. You may be turning eighteen but I'm still your mother and you will treat me as such," his mother warned.

"Says the abusive alcoholic. Did you even want me in the first place? You sure as hell didn't treat me like it," Abel said bitterly.

"You're just like your father! Always saying the most hurtful things to spite me!" his mother yelled.

Abel decided he had enough and started to walk towards the guest room. "Save your tears. I'm only stating the facts, and if that's all you want to talk about, I'll be in the guest room."

As he walked upstairs, his mother grabbed the back of his shirt. "Abel! This discussion is not over!"

"Let me go, Anna," he said venomously with a glare to match.

His mother raised her hand to slap him, but he caught her hand mid-air. "Listen, you poor excuse of a mother. I'm not a child anymore so that won't work. I'm going back home and I'll tell them everything that's happened here today."

He released her hand and his mother had a vacant stare. "As long as there is breath in this body, I will testify as many times as possible for what you did to me. I would rather die than to let you traumatize my siblings!"

Abel slammed the door so hard that a few pictures had fallen off the wall. It's only 11:30 and he's reached his breaking point. The safest thing he can do now is to get out of this house and never look back.

He packed his backpack and made his way downstairs. "Anna, I'm leaving!" Abel called out, but there was no response.

He looked for her in the master bedroom but it was empty. The bathrooms were also empty and so was the living room. He walked into the kitchen and she wasn't in there either. He concluded that she probably went left to cool down.


The sound came from the garage so he ran to the origin of it. His backpack fell limply to his side as blood pooled around his mother's head. 

"Mom!!" Abel shouted as he reached for his phone to call for an ambulance.

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