Arthur 3: Seeing Water

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The Kirkland manor was alive with the sounds of laughter and excitement. It was game night and all the brothers had invited their friends over to participate. Unlike his triplet brothers, Arthur wasn't really into playing darts, stargazing or playing video games. Instead, he stays in and locks his bedroom door when he's hanging out with his friends.

As he sat with his friends, Arthur spoke up, "Eduard? Funny, I was thinking about asking Leon, he's good with computers as well. It's your turn, Vlad."

"I already asked Feliks," Vladimir replied. "The guy seems like an idiot, but he knows his stuff. Shit, I rolled a five."

"And when were you thinking about disclosing this piece of information?" Sigurd asked.

"Right now, seeing as he texted me yesterday. He said that the person is hiding their IP address, however, he was able to bypass the firewall after a few weeks. Our culprit is living somewhere in the Garrait area which is the second biggest district," Vladimir explained.

"Add on top of that, the audio from Abel and Hector's fight had to have come from someone in their class," Arthur chimed in. "I'll ask Liam if anyone in his class lives in Garrait."

With a sigh, Arthur gave himself a pep talk before knocking on his brother's door. While they simply barge into his room, God forbid that he does the same to them. He heard some shushing and glass clinging so now he has to worry about getting yelled at by three drunk people.

The door opened, and to his displeasure, Duncan was in front of him. He expected the usual teasing and arguing but was greeted with a friendly smile instead. Arthur almost couldn't believe it. That is until he saw his red and watery eyes, it explained everything.

"How's my baby brother doing?" Duncan asked with a smile.

"I'm all right. Is Liam in there? I need to ask him a question."

"Liam!! Artie wants to talk to you!!" He called out.

Arthur held back his laughter. He shouldn't have left his phone in his room; if he tells anyone about this, they wouldn't believe him. The laughter finally made its way out when Duncan proceeded to lovingly look at him.

"You're a stubborn prick, but you'll always be my baby brother..." He said with a chuckle.

"Who let Duncan open the door!?" Liam shouted as he escorted his brother away and made him rest comfortably on a sofa. "What do you want?"

"Do you know anyone in your class who lives in Garrait?" Arthur asked.

"What's it to you?" Liam questioned.

"My friends and I are thinking about visiting the area on the weekend. I just wanted to know if we might run into the people who are harassing us."

"Stay home if you're so threatened by them."

"Oh, whatever. I'll ask Abel or Mikkel instead."

"Ralph, Henrique, Gilbert, and...oh! I think Emmanuel moved to Garrait recently," Liam replied.

"What's the catch?" Arthur asked.

Liam pinned him against the wall. "You know me so well. What do you do in your locked bedroom?"

"We play Dungeons and Dragons."

"Yet the other day, Matthew looked like he could've touched the damn stratosphere."

"So, not that far off from Duncan," Arthur retorted. "I'll keep quiet if you do."

"Deal." Liam went back inside of his bedroom but not before lightly punching Arthur's right arm.

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