Ming-Yue 3: Water Fountain

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Ming-Yue is on her way to Sportech, her mind replaying the events that had occurred inside the vent. She finally understood why Ralph had been so irritated with her. She was used to listening to rumors about him and Elizabeth, but at least Elizabeth is a very beautiful girl. This situation, however, was unacceptable.

"Amelia? You mean Alfred's sister? Holy shit."

"Honestly, I ship it. They both got that 'manic nature child' vibe."

"How do you know?"

"The silly bitch left her phone on when she went to get the copies. Those texts were juicy with a capital J."

As she drove, her thoughts turned to Amelia Jones, a lipstick lesbian who was still in the closet. There was no way that Ralph could be cheating on her with someone like that. She had called him so many times, not even considering that his phone might be off during his shift. All she could think about was how many times they had gone behind her back.

Ming-Yue seethed with anger all day. She didn't pay attention to anything else that was said. Her boyfriend of almost three years had cheated on her with what she considered to be a man with tits.

"Ralph Christian Owens!" She wept uncontrollably. "I will pour boiling oil on your balls the next time that I see you!"

As she pulled into the mall parking center, she disregarded anyone else in her way. The honking of other cars couldn't slow her down. She knew exactly where the sports equipment store was located and her eyes immediately went to the right. From a distance, she could see Mikkel on his shift.

"Mikkel Densen!" she called out.

"For the last time, ma'am. We don't take coupons," He replied.

"It's me, you jackass! Where's Ralph!?" Ming-Yue shouted.

"Hey, calm down. The manager is extra pissy today and I prefer not to deal with that any more than I have to. Ralph clocked out early to pick up his sister. What's the problem?" Mikkel asked.

Ming-Yue's headstrong facade began to crumble as she began to cry. She started with silent weeping but progressed into loud sobs as she held onto Mikkel for support. They were down two employees, the entire mall was watching them, the manager was burning holes in their heads, and now Ming-Yue was staining Mikkel's shirt with her snot and tears.

"If anything else happens this evening, I'll shoot myself in the fucking head," he muttered to himself.

Mikkel knew that Ming was upset and he wanted to help her calm down. "Hey, let's step outside for a bit and get some fresh air," he suggested, hoping it would ease her anxiety. They walked to a nearby convenience store and Mikkel bought her some napkins and a bottle of water. Then they sat down on the edge of the water fountain to talk.

Ming opened up to Mikkel about her recent discovery that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. "I mean, I guess that a part of me did suspect it. He's been so angry with me lately, I should've known sooner," she said, her voice shaking.

"It's not your fault, Ming. There's no way that you could've known," Mikkel comforted her. "If it's not too troublesome, do you know what exactly they were saying?"

"The girls saw her phone messages today and they were...talking really sexually," Ming replied, her face turning red.

"I see," Mikkel said, his expression sympathetic.

"You seemed bothered, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to impose on you. I made a total ass out of myself," Ming apologized.

"I mean, I think any woman would react the way you did," Mikkel said, trying to reassure her.

"Again, thank you for being my therapist for a while. I don't know how to repay you, Mikkel," Ming said gratefully.

"It's no problem," Mikkel said with a smile. "Well, I should be getting back before my manager puts her hairy foot up my ass."

Ming hesitated for a moment before asking, "Um...do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope! With school, work, soccer and my sisters, my schedule's a bit tight," Mikkel replied, curious about where this was going.

"All right, it's because I just found a way to repay you," Ming said with a mischievous grin.

"Ming, it's really not necessary," Mikkel protested, feeling a little apprehensive.

"I'll suck your dick."

Mikkel's chest heaved as all the air escaped from his body. It felt like he had been kicked in the chest all over again, just like when Antonio kicked the ball at him.

He tried to console her. "Uh...you're not in your right mind. You're very emotional right now. I think that you should wait a while before you get behind the wheel. See you tomorrow."

Ming-Yue nodded, grateful for his level-headedness. But Mikkel's mind was still reeling from the bombshell that had just been dropped on him. Ralph and Amelia were sexting. And according to Ming-Yue, it had happened today.

Mikkel had confided in Ralph about his crush on Amelia and how he planned to ask her out at the next game. And now he found out that while he was pouring his heart out to his friend, Ralph had been screwing the girl of his dreams.

Betrayal coursed through Mikkel's veins, making him feel sick to his stomach. He pulled out his phone and dialed the manager's number.

"Hello, Mrs. Bluetower. It's Mikkel. The situation with the girl has been handled. The parents are coming to pick up their daughter so I'll wait for them. No. The security isn't there yet. It will only be just a few more minutes. Yes, I understand."

After hanging up, he turned to Ming-Yue, who was still watching the fountain. He forced a sunny smile and cocked his head slightly to the side.

"Is your offer still up?"

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